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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Failure of Health Minister to communicate with families impacted by CHI catastrophe outrageous

Speaking during statements on Children’s Health Ireland in the Dáil today, Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith said: “The Minister’s statement in the House today was utterly disappointing. He didn’t say anything today that he couldn’t have said last week when this scandal emerged. “Instead of communication and clarity, parents of the children impacted were left…

26 September 2023

Taoiseach response on health and community strikes a cop out

Labour back SIPTU, Fórsa and INMO industrial action Labour leader Ivana Bacik has condemned Government for failing to address the crisis in the community and voluntary care sector. During Leaders’ Questions today (September 26th), Deputy Bacik characterised the Taoiseach and his Government’s response to community and voluntary sector workers strike as a cop out. Deputy…

Ivana Bacik TD
26 September 2023

Landlord tax cuts suggests desperation on housing from Government

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has criticised the Housing Minister’s proposals to give landlords a tax break in Budget 2024. Deputy Bacik said: “Fianna Fáil’s latest kite flying on tax breaks for landlords suggests a sense of desperation from Government, and would do nothing to address the real causes of our housing crisis….

Ivana Bacik TD
26 September 2023

Government’s new defence strategy rings hollow amid lack of action

Defence forces need action on recruitment and retention, not another report Labour defence spokesperson Mark Wall has called on the government to take serious action and provide the Defence Forces with adequate resourcing rather than commissioning yet another report into the Forces. Senator Wall said: “The Government needs to get serious about addressing the recruitment…

Senator Mark Wall
26 September 2023

Ireland in grips of crime – Community policing resources needed

CSO figures suggest Fine Gael losing grips on justice system Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the Minister for Justice to outline Government’s response to the enormous increase in crime throughout communities. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “Figures published by the CSO today highlight what Labour has been highlighting with this Government for…

25 September 2023

SME Banking must be prioritised

Government needs to prioritise publicly owned regional banks that could cater to the requirement of our indigenous SMEs. Alan Kelly TD has urged the Government to put their money where their mouth is and support hard-working SMEs. Deputy Kelly said: “The headline of Sunday’s Business Post article should send a chill down the backbone of…

25 September 2023

Fianna Fáil must prioritise affordable housing

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has criticised Government’s lacklustre response to tackling affordability in the housing market. Following the REA report showing that the average price of a three-bed semi-detached house nationally has breached €300,000 for the first time since 2007, Deputy Bacik expressed concern that Fianna Fáil are now allowing house prices…

Ivana Bacik TD
25 September 2023

Labour backs health and community workers strike

Labour health spokesperson has demanded that Government come to the table and hammer out a deal to meet the needs of health and community workers. Deputy Smith said: “The results of the ballot by three unions today will come as no surprise to the Government. Workers in the health and community sector are at the…

25 September 2023

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