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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Government must use Exchequer Returns for vital needs such as Housing and Health

Labour spokesperson on Finance, Joan Burton TD, has said today’s positive Exchequer returns figures would allow for vital spending in areas such as Housing and Health in the upcoming Budget.  Deputy Burton commented: “Today’s Exchequer figures are the second last returns before the budget in October. As such they indicate an economy that is on…

Labour Admin

04 September 2017

Harris must address unsustainable hospital over-crowding

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called on the Minister for Health, Simon Harris to publish a plan to address the severe over-crowding in our hospitals. Deputy Kelly commented: “The latest Trolleywatch figures show that during the month of August 7,781 people lay on trolleys. This figure is the highest we have seen…

04 September 2017

Kelly asks Harris if he has confidence in McGrath

Labour Party spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, has called on Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD to say whether he has confidence in his Junior Minister Finian McGrath following his comments on the HPV vaccine. Deputy Kelly commented:  “It is completely unacceptable for a minister at the Department of Health to put anti-HPV vaccine…

03 September 2017

Failure to cap childcare costs eroding value of new scheme

Labour spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs Sean Sherlock has said that the failure of the Government to implement a cap on childcare costs means that the value of the new universal subsidy is being eroded for parents. The Government was warned this would happen, and should have implemented a cap on costs for parents….

Seán Sherlock TD
01 September 2017

NAMA can provide foundation for semi-state home builder- O’Sullivan

Labour Party spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD has said that legislation first proposed by Labour last summer would have refocussed NAMA’s efforts on the provision of housing. It follows reports today that the Government is considering setting up a semi-state body to oversee house building as a means of tackling the crisis. Deputy O’Sullivan…

Labour Admin

31 August 2017

Kelly supports HPV Vaccine campaign

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has outlined his support for the HSE’s Protect our Future HPV vaccine campaign and has condemned the comments of his constituency colleague Deputy Mattie McGrath. Deputy Kelly commented: “This week, more than 30,000 young girls started secondary school and are due to receive the HPV vaccine in the…

31 August 2017

Taoiseach must answer questions on his new Communications Unit

Labour leader Brendan Howlin has described the Taoiseach’s Strategic Communications Unit as a vanity propaganda project, and a means of providing further communications advice to the Taoiseach without properly appointing special advisers. Deputy Howlin said: “Never before has the establishment of a communications unit been handled with so much secrecy. We have been told who…

Labour Admin

30 August 2017

Carr calls for bedroom tax to ensure booming hotel sector gives back to Dublin

Former Dublin Lord Mayor and City Councillor, Brendan Carr, has renewed his call for the introduction of a hotel bedroom tax following the release of new statistics which indicate the sector is booming. Cllr Carr said: “A new independent survey by accountancy firm Crowe Horwath indicates that the average profit on each hotel room in…

Labour Admin

30 August 2017

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