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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Labour demand for €200 monthly cap on childcare fees

Labour is supporting the National Women’s Council of Ireland’s day of action for Public Childcare Attending the National Women’s Council of Ireland’s Day of Action for public childcare, Labour Senator Marie Sherlock said the time has come for Government to make real a public system of childcare in this country. Senator Sherlock said: “The building…

19 September 2023

Women workers earning almost a quarter less than men – Govt must act on this with action on childcare and child welfare payments in Budget 2024

On International Equal Day of Pay, Labour Party Worker’s Rights Spokesperson Marie Sherlock highlighted that women workers in Ireland on average earn 23% less compared with men per week. Senator Sherlock said: “This is an enormous gender pay gap and while we know there are many reasons behind it, the reality is that Government has…

18 September 2023

Safe staffing levels in hospitals must be implemented before flu season

Labour Think In discusses failure of Minister Donnelly to tackle health crisis Safe staffing must be implemented Real leadership needed to combat hospital overcrowding Duncan Smith TD, Labour’s Health spokesperson, has condemned the significant hospital overcrowding figures with 366 patients admitted to hospital waiting for beds. Speaking at the Labour Party Think In in Maynooth,…

15 September 2023

Labour call for commemorative statue to Seán O’Casey

Dublin spokesperson Annie Hoey urges celebration of great Irish playwright Labour Dublin spokesperson Annie Hoey has called for a commemoration of Ireland’s great playwright Seán O’Casey. Speaking at the Labour Party Think In in Maynooth, Senator Hoey said: “100 years on from his famous trilogy – the Shadow of a Gunman, The Plough and the…

Senator Annie Hoey image
15 September 2023

Labour launches Niamh Bhreathnach Mentoring Programme

Labour launches Niamh Bhreathnach Mentoring Programme to support Labour women running for election Ivana Bacik TD, Labour Party Leader, has today launched the Niamh Bhreathnach Mentoring Programme, a new initiative developed by Labour Women, the women’s section within Labour, to support new women candidates running for election. The programme is named after Niamh Bhreathnach, the…

Ivana Bacik TD
14 September 2023

Leader speech at the annual Labour Party Think In – September 2023 – Maynooth

Comrades and Friends. My thanks to Councillor Angela Feeney for her warm welcome to Maynooth this afternoon. It is always a pleasure to attend events like this, to catch up with colleagues and comrades, old and new; With people who have chosen to join this movement, our movement, the Labour movement. People like you who…

Ivana Bacik TD
14 September 2023

Labour stands in solidarity with TCDSU protest

Student accommodation hikes unacceptable Labour spokesperson for further and higher education Annie Hoey said students can no longer be seen as cash cows by the third level sector. Speaking at the student protest arranged by Trinity College Students’ Union today, Senator Hoey said: “Trinity’s decision to increase the cost of student accommodation by 2%, beyond…

Senator Annie Hoey image
13 September 2023

Shameful conditions of content moderators must be regulated

Government must enact robust legislation to protect these workers Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock welcomed the news that the Health and Safety Authority (HSA) and the State Claims Agency (SCA) has stepped up and issued guidelines on occupational exposure to sensitive content in the workplace. However, Senator Sherlock said that legislation is vital and…

13 September 2023

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