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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Paternity leave is a significant gender equality measure

Senator Ivana Bacik today welcomed the passage of the Paternity Leave and Benefit Bill 2016 through Committee and remaining stages in the Seanad this afternoon.  Speaking on the final stage of the Bill, Senator Bacik said: “I am delighted to see the Paternity Leave and Benefit Bill become law. It was first announced as an…

Ivana Bacik TD
19 July 2016

Housing plan lacks strategic focus

Housing is undoubtedly one of the most pressing issues facing Irish society. It is important the Government’s Housing Action Plan succeeds. However it must be closely monitored. It is concerning there is nothing in the plan to stop developers hoarding land when it could be used to build urgently needed homes on. The Minister himself…

Labour Admin

19 July 2016

French nation will stand firm in face of act of terror

Dail Statements on Nice Attacks Bastille Day commemorates a transformative moment in modern democracy. Each year, the French people remember the value of citizenship, and that France is now a country united. But last week the peaceful celebrations of national unity and identity were torn apart in Nice. Eighty four people, including children, died on…

Labour Admin

19 July 2016

Plight of low-paid workers falls down list of government priorities

Today’s report from the Low Pay Commission on the proposed 2017 rate for the National Minimum Wage is disappointing. This year, I increased the National Minimum Wage to €9.15 an hour from €8.65 per hour. That means that a single worker who ordinarily works a full week will be almost €800 better off in 2016….

19 July 2016

Minimum wage increase falls well short of expectation

Today’s recommendation by Low Pay Commission of an increase of just one per cent in the National Minimum Wage is very disappointing and falls well short of what is needed if the Programme for Government commitment to increase it to €10.50/hour by 2021is to be achieved. In 2011, Labour took office shortly after Fianna Fáil…

19 July 2016

Labour bill is a comprehensive response to housing challenges

The Labour Party spokesperson on Housing Jan O’Sullivan today launched the Party’s Social and Affordable Housing Bill 2016. Among the measures included in the legislation are: The implementation of the recommendations of the Kenny report The remit of NAMA to be broadened and for the organisation to be rebranded as the National Housing Development and…

Labour Admin

18 July 2016

Costello demands action on North Inner City Task Force

I reiterate the call made by Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin in the Dáil today that the government must urgently deliver on its commitment to establish a task force to tackle crime and economic disadvantage in Dublin’s North Inner City. The rise in gang land crime in the North Inner City demonstrates the urgent need…

Labour Admin

14 July 2016

Threatening sex workers with poorhouse instead of jailhouse a 19th century solution to our 21st century problems

Dáil Éireann, Proceeds of Crime (Amendment) Bill 2016 With one or two caveats I and my Party support this Bill. We agree with the proposal to reduce the threshold value of property subject to      confiscation from €13,000 to €5,000. And we agree with a new, short-term, administrative power of seizure and detention at CAB officer…

Labour Admin

14 July 2016

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