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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Clarity needed on possible early reopening of some schools

Labour Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called on the Government to provide clarity on the possible reopening of some schools before September. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “Minister McHugh indicated last week that the Department of Education is preparing to propose an earlier than planned reopening of some schools. “If this is to happen it…

25 May 2020

Answer needed on Covid €350 payment level ahead of crunch Dáil vote

– Will Fine Gael caretaker government cut the €350 payment later this week? Labour Social Protection spokesperson Ged Nash has called for answers from the caretaker government on their plans for the €350 Covid-19 pandemic unemployment payment ahead of a vote on the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection estimates on Thursday. Deputy Nash…

25 May 2020

Covid Income of Lowest Paid should not be cut

Language used is divisive and straight from the Varadkar ‘welfare cheats’ playbook  With large parts of the economy still closed, Labour’s Social Protection spokesperson Ged Nash TD said it would be unacceptable for Fine Gael to cut the COVID-19 income of the lowest paid in our society in June, as reported in today’s Sunday Times….

24 May 2020

Minister must audit impact of 1m rule on health service

With continued speculation that social distancing may be reduced from two metres to one, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said the Minister for Health should immediately carry out an audit of the impact such a change would have by increasing capacity of the health service to treat more patients. Deputy Kelly said: “If social distancing…

24 May 2020

Path to Marriage Equality had many champions

Five years after Ireland voted overwhelmingly for marriage equality Labour LGBT said there was still more to be achieved, but remembered the historic role of Eamon Gilmore and the Labour Party in bringing forward the 2015 referendum, and the huge grassroots campaign of people coming together to achieve equality that inspired a generation. Labour LGBT…

23 May 2020

Contactless payments needed for public transport

Labour Party TD for Fingal, Duncan Smith, has called on the National Transport Authority to accelerate the roll out of contactless payments on public transport services. Deputy Smith said: “As more and more people move to cashless payments in light of Covid-19, it is time for the National Transport Authority to introduce contactless payments on…

23 May 2020

Caretaker Finance Minister should publish revised deficit projections

With the caretaker Fine Gael government now indicating there will be a €30 billion deficit and looking at ways to cut social welfare spending, Labour TD Ged Nash has called on the acting Minister for Finance to now publish revised deficit and budget figures for the year. Deputy Nash said: “The Stability Programme Update was…

22 May 2020

Smith calls for working group to investigate conditions of migrant workers in ag sector

Labour Party TD for Dublin Fingal, Duncan Smith, has called for a working group with a mandate to investigate the treatment of migrant workers in the agriculture sector. Deputy Smith said:  “It is my view now that there needs to be a working group established immediately with a mandate to investigate the treatment of migrant…

21 May 2020

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