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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Government Spin on Renting Fools No One

Responding to revelations that just half of eligible renters have registered for the tax relief scheme for renters’, Labour Leader and Spokesperson for Housing Ivana Bacik TD has said that the low uptake exposes the shallowness of Government schemes which are mooted as panaceas for renters. She compared the disappointing figures with the slowness with…

Ivana Bacik TD
19 June 2023

Taoiseach’s childcare comments out of step with working families’ reality

Universal childcare crucial for economic equality Labour leader Ivana Bacik has criticised comments made by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar on cutting childcare costs. Deputy Bacik said: “The Taoiseach has poured cold water over cuts to childcare fees in Budget 2024, despite working parents crying out for financial help and support as prices continue to rise and…

Ivana Bacik TD
19 June 2023

Statement from Senator Marie Sherlock on retained firefighters

Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has urged meaningful engagement from Government with retained firefighters in the Labour Court to avoid an all out strike on Tuesday. Senator Sherlock said: “It’s welcome news that the parties will meet in the Labour Court in Monday. There is a lot riding on the negotiations given the sheer…

16 June 2023

Guardian gambling ban should inspire Government action

Labour sports spokesperson Mark Wall has urged Government to progress Labour Party legislation to ban all gambling ads. Senator Wall said: “The move by the Guardian to ban gambling ads is hugely welcome and the right thing to do. “In print, broadcast, on social media, people are bombarded with gambling ads nonstop. The sheer volume…

Senator Mark Wall
15 June 2023

Outrageous that hundreds of health workers are still awaiting pandemic bonus

Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has branded it as shameful that many cleaners, catering, security and other staff in public hospitals have yet to receive their pandemic bonus payment. Senator Sherlock said: “The utter disregard of Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and the Green Party towards low-paid workers is outrageous. It took 11 months after…

15 June 2023

Labour demands Dáil debate on retained firefighters dispute

Labour TD for Fingal and member of the Oireachtas Business Committee Duncan Smith has demanded a Dáil debate to resolve the retained firefighters industrial dispute. Deputy Smith said: “SIPTU, the trade union representing retained firefighters, have issued a stark warning to Government this morning as retained firefighters will begin to resign from the service from…

15 June 2023

Minister must intervene to protect communities and firefighters

Labour Cork East TD Seán Sherlock has urged swift Government action following an anticipated mass resignation of retained firefighters. Deputy Sherlock said: “SIPTU, the trade union representing retained firefighters, have issued a very stark warning to Government about potential mass resignations of firefighters due to the failure of Minister O’Brien to come forward with constructive…

Seán Sherlock TD
15 June 2023

Time to tackle littering in Kildare

Funding and vision needed for community spaces Labour Senator Mark Wall has urged care and collective responsibility to tackle littering during the spell of good weather. Senator Wall said: “The local community and Kildare Council are working hard to keep on top of litter all year around, but once the sun shines we have the…

Senator Mark Wall
15 June 2023

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