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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Tánaiste welcomes further drop in unemployment

Behind every new job is a person or family benefitting from recovery The Tánaiste and Minister for Social Protection, Joan Burton T.D., has welcomed the latest figures from the Central Statistics Office showing 30,500 fewer people unemployed. The unemployment rate fell to 8.6% in January, down from 10.1% in the same month last year. The…

Labour Admin

02 February 2016

White welcomes Irish Postmaster Union’s decision on election candidates

Minister for Communications Alex White has welcomed the Irish Postmasters Union’s (IPU) decision to focus on the implementation of the Bobby Kerr report into the future viability of post offices, rather than fielding candidates in the forthcoming general election. Minister White said: “I established the Post Office Business Development Group, under Bobby Kerr’s chairmanship, to…

Labour Admin

01 February 2016

Launch of a new Leaving Certificate subject, Politics and Society

Jan O’Sullivan TD, Minister for Education and Skills, launched Phase 1 of the implementation of a new Leaving Certificate subject, Politics and Society, in Limerick on Monday 1st February. The launch event was organised by the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment and also featured workshops and other information sessions for the participating schools throughout…

Labour Admin

01 February 2016

Kelly announces new €40 million fire service capital programme 2016 – 2020

Alan Kelly, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government has today, Monday 1st February 2016, announced details of a new €40m programme of construction / refurbishment of 26 fire stations for the five year period 2016 – 2020. The programme will see 16 new fire station construction projects initiated between now and 2020,…

01 February 2016

Conference 2016 Address

Colleagues, friends,   This will be a year of profound journeys for Ireland.   We’ll journey back in time, to 1916, to reflect on the spark that lit the flame of independence.   We’ll journey to airports, ferries and train stations, to see our loved ones return home in great numbers as the recovery gathers…

Labour Admin

01 February 2016

Labour will stand up for working people, families and communities

Saturday morning address at Labour Party Conference Colleagues and friends,   It’s a great pleasure to be here in Mullingar, and I’d like to thank Willie Penrose for his warm welcome.   Nobody needs reminding of the unique blend of political wisdom, legal skill and passion for people that Willie brings to the Dail.  …

Labour Admin

30 January 2016

White expresses concern at results of civil service Employee Engagement Survey

Minister for Communications Alex White today (Friday) said he was concerned at the widespread perception among civil servants that their work was not valued by the public. Responding to yesterday’s publication of the Civil Service Employee Engagement Survey, which found that just 15% of civil servants believed the public valued their work, Minister White warned…

Labour Admin

29 January 2016

Costello welcomes funding for mental health & addiction needs of homeless

Deputy Joe Costello has welcomed today’s announcement by the Minister for Mental Health, Social Care and Primary Care, Kathleen Lynch, of an extra €2 million to address the mental health and addiction needs of homeless people in Dublin. Deputy Costello stated: “This additional funding will ensure that these often vulnerable people can access the range…

Labour Admin

28 January 2016

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