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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Clear evidence exists to reimplement eviction ban

Labour Senator and Oireachtas Housing Committee Mark Wall has urged Government to implement the eviction ban in light of record homeless figures in March. As the data published by the Department on Friday represents the last data sample while the eviction ban was actually in place, Senator Wall said there will be an explosion of…

Senator Mark Wall
02 May 2023

President Higgins makes fundamental point about growth for growth’s sake

Labour workers’ rights spokesperson and economist Senator Marie Sherlock has praised President Higgins for opening a conversation about growth in Ireland. Senator Sherlock said: “The President is absolutely right to throw open the conversation about the purpose of growth in Ireland. Many thousands are not feeling it right now because of the incredible shortage of…

30 April 2023

United we bargain, divided we beg – collective bargaining key to future of work in Ireland

Celebrating May Day (Monday, May 1st), Labour Party spokesperson on workers’ rights Marie Sherlock has urged all workers to join a trade union. Senator Sherlock called on Government to press on with the full transposition of the EU directive on adequate minimum wages which will provide a massive expansion in sectoral wage bargaining in Ireland….

30 April 2023

Supermarket milk price reduction tacit acceptance of gouging

Labour finance and enterprise spokesperson Ged Nash has described the move by some Irish supermarkets to reduce the price of milk as a tacit acceptance that Irish consumers are being ripped off. Deputy Nash reiterated his call to Government to examine price caps across essential food items to help working people. Deputy Nash said: “We…

29 April 2023

Government made a catastrophic error in lifting eviction ban

Record breaking homeless figures will be the legacy of the coalition of convenience Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has condemned Government’s failure to protect people from entering homelessness. “A 2.1% increase in homelessness month on month is horrific. This data relates to while the eviction ban was in place, so I truly shudder…

Ivana Bacik TD
28 April 2023

Cost rental prices must be reduced

Labour Senator and Oireachtas Housing Committee member Mark Wall has urged Government to reduce the prices of cost-rental homes. Senator Wall said that many of these homes are currently rented at €1,500 a month which is entirely unaffordable for most working people. Senator Wall said: “I am urging Minister O’Brien to commit to investigating the…

Senator Mark Wall
28 April 2023

Change in prison culture needed – Fine Gael response to overcrowding disgraceful

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has characterised the Justice Minister’s response to prison overcrowding as out of touch and inhumane. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said tackling socioeconomic disadvantage is the solution to prison overcrowding, not building more prisons. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “It’s is bankrupt thinking from the Minster to suggest that the solution to…

27 April 2023

Government must move towards collective bargaining for better health and safety for workers

Marking Workers’ Memorial Day 2023, Labour leader Ivana Bacik said Government must move to provide collective bargaining rights to all workers to ensure greater safety in the workplace. Deputy Bacik said recent incidents in Stryker, Co. Cork, where two workers were injured, Government cannot wait for shocking events to precipitate engagement with workers. Deputy Bacik…

Ivana Bacik TD
27 April 2023

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