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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

New national industrial policy framework long overdue says Nash

Framework must pivot towards growth of exporting indigenous companies Opposition parties must be briefed on tech job losses Labour enterprise spokesperson Ged Nash has today warned that unless a new national industrial policy framework prioritised the scaling up of indigenous Irish enterprise, Ireland will continue to be exposed to a dangerous and excessive reliance on…

08 November 2022

Eye watering fines for Go Ahead and Dublin Bus underscore systemic service failures

Labour spokesperson for Transport, Duncan Smith has today (Tuesday 8th November) described the fines imposed by the National Transport Authority (NTA) on Go Ahead and Dublin as eye-watering and said the fines underscore systemic failures across the public transport system. In response to questioning from Deputy Smith at the Oireachtas Transport Committee the NTA confirmed…

08 November 2022

Labour Leader Urges Radical Stance from Government at COP27

Tackling climate change is an act of intergenerational and global solidarity says Labour Leader. Time is running out and the CoP process cannot be allowed fail. Commenting on the commencement of COP27, Labour Party Leader Ivana Bacik has today called on Taoiseach Michael Martin and the Irish Government to show both generosity and leadership in…

Ivana Bacik TD
07 November 2022

Treatment of Twitter workers is outrageous says Sherlock

Serious questions to be asked about compliance with collective redundancy Irish law Labour spokesperson on workers’ rights Marie Sherlock has today (Friday 4th November) expressed her solidarity with the hundreds of tech workers who were told not to come to work today and to wait to hear if they will be laid off. With a raft…

04 November 2022

Nash welcomes public consultation on scheme to ‘disregard’ pre-1993 convictions of gay and bisexual men

Process began with Labour’s 2016 Conviction for Certain Offences (Apology & Exoneration) Bill  First step in process involved 2018 State apology to LGBT+ citizens and community  Labour TD Ged Nash has welcomed today’s announcement by the Minster for Justice Helen McEntee of a public consultation on the development of a scheme that will see the…

04 November 2022

Workers must be protected from lay offs and redundancies this winter

Prospect of economic crunch demands robust planning by Government Labour spokesperson on workers rights Marie Sherlock said protecting work and livelihoods must be at the core of government strategy this winter. With recent announcements by major employers, coupled with today’s significant downward assessment by Ibec on the Irish economy next year, many people will be…

03 November 2022

Labour demands inclusion of early miscarriage leave in Work Life Balance Bill

Labour amendments would provide 20 days leave for early miscarriage and 10 days for fertility treatments Labour leader Ivana Bacik said employers must recognise the need for time off work after early miscarriage. Calling for the inclusion of Labour amendments to provide 20 days paid time off work in the event of an early miscarriage…

Ivana Bacik TD
02 November 2022

Cork Traffic solutions only available with constitutional reform

The recent report in the Irish Examiner (  showing traffic levels in Cork have reached pre-pandemic levels shows we need to up our game on public transport reliability but more crucially, see a structural change that allows changes to be made locally and stop relying on Dublin, writes Cork City Labour Party Local Area Representative…

01 November 2022

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