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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Postcode lottery of abortion services has real life consequences for vulnerable women

Labour Senator and Oireachtas Health Committee member Annie Hoey has urged the swift publication of the report into the review of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018. Calling for stakeholders to be invited to Committee to discuss the findings, Senator Hoey said rapid changes to the legislation must be implemented without delay….

Senator Annie Hoey image
03 April 2023

Good Friday must become a permanent Public Holiday for all workers

Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has urged Government to end the discretionary treatment of Good Friday by introducing it as a permanent public holiday for all workers. Senator Sherlock said: “The situation as it stands is deeply unfair for workers. There is always confusion among workers as to whether Good Friday counts as public…

03 April 2023

No plan and no projections for lifting of eviction ban as historically high level of homelessness continues

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has condemned the decision to lift the eviction ban following the publication of the Department of Housing’s statistics on homelessness today. With a mammoth 23% increase in homelessness year on year, Deputy Bacik said the overreliance on the private market represents a race to the bottom when it…

Ivana Bacik TD
31 March 2023

Community and voluntary sector workers need a pay rise

Responding to news that SIPTU, Fórsa, and the INMO have served fresh pay claims on employers in the community and voluntary sector, Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith TD has demanded a pay rise for workers in the sector. Deputy Smith said: “Community and voluntary workers care for the most vulnerable people in our society. Without…

31 March 2023

HAP crisis coupled with eviction ban is a perfect storm for those in housing insecurity

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has urged Government to extend the eviction ban in the context of the HAP analysis carried out by the Simon Communities. Deputy Bacik said: “There has been a fundamental lack of commitment to social housing under this conservative coalition. It is ideology, not the economy, that is going…

Ivana Bacik TD
30 March 2023

Universal school meals for children vital to a fair start

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said providing universal school meals is crucial to giving every child a fair start. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said Government must put forward a comprehensive package of ‘Back to School’ measures this September for families struggling with the cost of living. Deputy Ó Riordáin said: “Earlier this year, the CSO…

30 March 2023

Labour supports Raise the Roof protest – demands extension to eviction ban

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has urged Government to extend the eviction ban due to expire on 31st March. Speaking in advance of the Raise the Roof rally at Leinster House today (March 30th) Deputy Bacik said the Labour Party would be happy to facilitate the Dáil sitting throughout Easer in order to pass…

Ivana Bacik TD
30 March 2023

Can Government be sure culture of institutional abuse is not permeating other organisations?

Statutory inquiry into Defence Force culture must be up and running before Oireachtas recess Labour leader Ivana Bacik has called on Government to outline the protections in place across State institutions to prevent institutional abuse, such as that exposed by the Women of Honour in the Defence Forces. During Leaders’ Questions, Deputy Bacik said the…

Ivana Bacik TD
29 March 2023

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