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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Children working in the arts must be protected- Burton

Labour TD and spokesperson on the Arts, Joan Burton, has called on the Department of Justice, Minister for Arts and the Arts Council to ensure all those who work with children in the sector receive adequate Garda vetting. People working in the sector and parents of children should be fully informed and advised of child…

Labour Admin

07 February 2018

Penrose says certainty needed for those who wish to work beyond 65

Labour spokesperson on Rural and Community Affairs, Willie Penrose TD, has called for the speedy introduction of legislation to raise the mandatory retirement age of public servants to 70 years, to provide certainty to those who want to work beyond the age of 65. Deputy Penrose raised the issue with the Minister for Public Expenditure,…

Labour Admin

07 February 2018

Workers irrelevant to Action Plan Man

Commenting on the 2018 Action Plan for Education, Labour Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said that Minister Bruton’s latest Action Plan doesn’t take education staff into account. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “The 2018 Action Plan for Education has many fine ideas such as implementing a foreign language strategy, introducing computer science in schools…

07 February 2018

Labour Bill to tackle infant school absenteeism

Labour Party legislation to tackle infant school absenteeism will be debated during Private Members’ time in the Seanad this afternoon. The Bill aims to amend the Education Welfare Act 2000 that established the National Education Welfare Board (NEWB) but which only applies to children aged 6-16 years. Currently children enrolled in a recognised school aged 4 or…

06 February 2018

Labour doorstep @ 12.30 on bill to tackle infant school absenteeism

Labour Party legislation to tackle infant school absenteeism will be debated during Private Members’ time in the Seanad this afternoon. The Education Welfare Amendment Bill 2017 seeks to to amend the Education Welfare Act 2000 which established the National Education Welfare Board (NEWB) but which only applies to children aged 6-16 years. Currently children enrolled…

06 February 2018

Health Budget squabbling distracting from delivery

Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD has said the squabbling between the Minister for Health and his Department, with the HSE over health funding is distracting from delivery, and reveals the lack of commitment from the Department to delivering on Sláintecare. He has also called for the draft service plan for the year to come…

05 February 2018

McDonald should refer SF Dublin North West Feud to An Garda Síochána

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has said that the revelations around the feuding factions in Sinn Féin in Dublin North West suggest that the matter may be one for An Garda Síochána rather than the Sinn Féin National Executive. Deputy Howlin said: “The seriousness of the claims and indeed photographic evidence of an alleged assault…

Labour Admin

05 February 2018

Local Labour express sadness on death of Seamus Pattison, their ‘lost hero’.

The Labour Party in Carlow-Kilkenny is today mourning the loss of Seamus Pattison, former councillor, Mayor, Freeman of Kilkenny, Teachta Dála, Minister for State, MEP and Ceann Comhairle. The constituency Chairperson, Seán Ó hArgáin, speaking on behalf of members and supporters, described Mr. Pattison as ‘the essence of public service, integrity and selfless dedication to…

Labour Admin

05 February 2018

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