Where is the extra money for Disabilities in Budget 2018

Labour spokesperson on Children & Youth Affairs Seán Sherlock TD has demanded Minister for Disabilities Finian McGrath to account for funding of his brief in Budget 2018. No additional funding has been provided for assessment of needs or access to emergency respite. Deputy Sherlock said: “There’s no additional money for emergency respite accommodation and no…

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Young people need to be able to access mental health services more easily

Speaking on World Mental Health Day, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has said that the Government must do more to ensure that mental health services are rolled out to young people across the country. Deputy Howlin said: “Statistics from Pieta House show us that 1 in 7 Irish adults have experienced a mental health issue…

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Education taking a back seat in Budget 2018

With less than 24 hours to go to Budget 2018, Labour Party spokesperson for Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said that the lack of discussion on education funding highlights the failure of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil to make investment in our children’s future a priority. Labour’s Alternative Education budget proposals outlined a fully…

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Bacik welcomes support for Mandatory Gender Pay Gap reporting

Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has welcomed a call from IBEC for mandatory gender pay gap reporting to be introduced for large Irish companies. It comes as Senator Bacik prepares to bring Labour’s Gender Pay Gap Bill before the Seanad for debate at Committee Stage in two weeks’ time. Senator Bacik said: “It’s great to see…

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Minister McGrath should leave the medical advice to the professionals

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD has said representations made by Minister Finian McGrath on behalf of anti-HPV vaccine groups are unhelpful. It follows reports in the Irish Times that Minister McGrath made anti-HPV vaccine representations to Minister Harris three times since becoming Minister. Deputy Kelly said: “Questions need to be asked of Minister…

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Stagg Welcomes Grant of Planning to Intel

Kildare North Labour Representative Emmet Stagg has welcomed the decision by An Bord Pleanala to grant planning permission to Intel for their Modified New Chip Manufacturing Facility at its Headquarters in Leixlip. Two appeals had been lodged with An Bord Pleanala against the decision by Kildare Co. Council to grant planning permission originally on May…

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Howlin calls for immediate publication of Revenue Commissioners Brexit report

Labour Party leader, Brendan Howlin TD, has called for the immediate publication of a Revenue Commissioners report setting out the implications of Brexit for the border and Irish businesses. Speaking today, Deputy Howlin said: “I see no point in the Government keeping this analysis to itself. The report should be published, with redactions if necessary,…

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O’Sullivan concern at shared accommodation proposal

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has welcomed a proposal to remove the need for a mandatory parking space at apartment buildings as a means of encouraging the use of public transport, but has raised concerns at mooted plans to introduce shared accommodation for young professionals. Deputy O’Sullivan commented: “I am encouraged by some of…

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Minister must make class sizes smaller in budget

Speaking on World Teachers’ Day, Labour Party Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said more must be done to address issues that teachers face in the classroom such as class size, in Tuesday’s budget. “I want to wish all Irish teachers a happy World Teachers’ Day. Teachers right across Ireland do wonderful work inspiring and…

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Health needs to be prioritised in next week’s budget

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has expressed concern about health funding for next year in light of ongoing speculation about tax cuts. Commenting this afternoon, Deputy Howlin said: “Let’s be clear. Minister Harris has already said that overspending this year will be levied as a charge on the service next year. That is currently running…

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Statement by Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin TD, on the passing of former Taoiseach and Fine Gael leader Liam Cosgrave

“I am deeply saddened to hear news of the passing of former Taoiseach Liam Cosgrave this evening. “Liam Cosgrave led a Fine-Gael Labour coalition during turbulent times in the 1970s, alongside Tánaiste and Labour leader Brendan Corish. “I know Liam was a very close personal friend of Brendan’s from that time, and as my own…

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Penrose welcomes Town and Village funding for Westmeath and Longford

Labour spokesperson on Rural Affairs, and Longford-Westmeath TD, Willie Penrose has welcomed the announcement of nearly €600,000 for projects in Westmeath under the Town and Village Renewal Scheme, and a further €637,000 for Longford, but has said this must be sustained in future years. Deputy Penrose said: “I welcome the allocation of nearly €600,000 from…

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Labour commits to funding Slaintecare in Alternative Budget

Spokesperson on Health Alan Kelly has said that Labour has provided the funding required to implement the first year of Slaintecare in our Alternative Budget, Our Future and that it is now time other political parties to commit to funding it. Deputy Kelly said: “Following months of work, a 10 year fully costed plan to…

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Labour is investing in education for our future

Labour Party spokesperson for Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said that Labour’s Alternative Education budget will tackle back to school costs for families and support those who educate our young people. Speaking at the Labour Party Alternative Budget launch, Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “Year on year the cost of sending children back to school…

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Our Future- Labour’s Alternative Budget 2018

The Labour Party has today unveiled its Alternative Budget plans for 2018, which prioritise investment in key public services over tax cuts. The fully-costed proposals contained in Our Future focus on the critical areas of housing and health, as well as education and childcare. Speaking ahead of the launch in Dublin, Labour Party leader Brendan…

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Labour’s Alternative Budget will give a boost to working people- Nash

Labour Spokesperson on Employment and Social Protection, Senator Ged Nash, has said plans unveiled in Labour’s Alternative Budget 2018 today would make a real difference to working people. The measures include ensuring that all public servants and childcare workers earn at a minimum a Living Wage of €11.70 per hour, the indexation of all weekly,…

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Labour Alternative Budget first step in doubling funding for the Arts – Moynihan

Speaking as the Labour Party launches its Alternative Budget 2018,  Labour spokesperson for Community Arts, Councillor Rebecca Moynihan, said the party’s plan for the Arts is a first step toward restoring badly needed funding for the Arts and Culture sector. “We know that a vital and vibrant sector attracts visitors, gets people off their couches…

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Labour Budget measures aim to make Ireland greener

Labour spokesperson on Climate action and the Environment, Senator Ivana Bacik, has said that Labour is committed to moving Ireland towards a carbon-free economy. Senator Bacik was speaking as Labour launched it’s Alternative Budget plans for next year. Senator Bacik said: “I strongly believe that this Budget must deliver investment in public services rather than…

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Labour reveals radical public housing build plans in Alternative Budget

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has unveiled plans to radically increase the level of public housing and repurpose NAMA to provide affordable housing for sale and rent. The fully-costed proposals, aimed at tackling the housing and homelessness crisis, are part of Labour’s Alternative Budget 2018. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “With the housing and homelessness…

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Exchequer returns show Government will have room in Budget- Burton

Labour Finance spokesperson, Joan Burton TD has said that the latest Exchequer figures show that the Government will have room in the Budget next week to deliver on better public services and capital investment- if it makes the right choices. Deputy Burton said: “The figures published today for the end of September show that the…

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Statement by Seán Sherlock TD on the publication of the Murray Report

“I welcome at long last today’s publication of the report of Mr Justice John Murray’s Review of the Law on Retention of and Access to Communications Data. It is shocking to recall that this report was received by Government last April. “The review was initially commissioned to look at issues around access by statutory bodies…

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Time for Varadkar to reveal communications cost – Howlin

Labour leader Brendan Howlin has today called on the Taoiseach to come clean on the real cost of the expansion of communications staff in Government. Responding to a question from Deputy Howlin on Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil today, Leo Varadkar said he did not yet know the net cost of the new unit, despite…

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Ryan concern over level of early retirement in the Defence Forces

Labour spokesperson on Defence, Brendan Ryan TD, has expressed concern over reports that nearly three thousand Defence Force members have been forced into early retirement in the past five years due mainly to poor pay and conditions. Ahead of its annual conference, PDFORRA also said that staff numbers in the Defence Forces are at a…

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Flanagan must publish Murray report after nearly 6 month delay

Labour Justice Spokesperson Sean Sherlock TD has called again for the immediate publication of the Murray Report by Justice Minister Flanagan once he has briefed Cabinet on it today. Former Chief Justice, John L. Murray submitted his report on the Review of the Law on the Retention of and Access to Communications Data to the…

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