Government must set out clear timeline for implementing Cassells Report

Labour Party spokesperson on Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the Government to set out a timeline as to when they will implement recommendations from the Cassells Report into the Future Funding of Higher Education. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “The Government has been sitting on the report carried out by Peter Cassells into…

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NAMA should finance public housing- not just private developers

Labour Party spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD has said that the Government’s proposal to provide cheap loans to private developers from NAMA does not go far enough, and the State must take a much more active role in financing public housing. Deputy O’Sullivan first put forward a proposal on repurposing NAMA in Summer 2016….

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Howlin once more calls for deferral of tax cutting plans

Labour Leader Brendan Howlin has described the phoney battle between Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil over the forthcoming budget as bizarre. He said it was not too late for the Government to postpone tax cutting plans, and reiterated the Labour view that such tax cuts simply cannot be afforded this year. “Never before in normal…

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Apology for Bishop’s misinformed comments welcome

Labour Party spokesperson on Health Promotion, Councillor Martina Genockey has welcomed an apology by Bishop Alphonsus Cullinan for his comments on the HPV vaccine. Councillor Genockey commented: “I welcome the apology by Bishop Cullinan for his misinformed comments on the HPV vaccine. Comments like those made by Bishop Cullinan are dangerous and feed into fears…

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Affordable housing needs to be prioritised

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said the Government needs to prioritise affordable housing in its plans to tackle the housing crisis.  Deputy O’Sullivan made the comments following the latest report from showing house prices are increasing by a daily average rate of €50.  A report by has also shown that…

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Howlin condemns Spanish police violence

Labour Party Leader and spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Brendan Howlin TD has condemned violence by Spanish police against those taking part in the Catalonian independence referendum. Deputy Howlin commented: “Any violence against voters and officials is unacceptable and unjustifiable. The use of plastic bullets and physical intimidation by the Spanish police has to be condemned….

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Labour leading in the fight to Repeal the 8th – Labour Women

Leading up to the March for Choice taking place in Dublin tomorrow Labour Women has warmly welcomed the announcement that Cllr Jane Horgan Jones is to Chair the Labour Campaign Committee to repeal the Eighth Amendment. Speaking on the matter Chair of Labour Women Sinead Ahern commented: “I’m delighted by the appointment of Cllr Horgan…

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O’Sullivan expresses concern over numbers of children in emergency accomodation

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has expressed her concern over new figures showing the number of children living in emergency accommodation has surpassed the three thousand mark for the first time. The figures are contained in the Homelessness Report for August released by the Department of Housing, Planning and Government. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “These…

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Shambolic response to Staleen repair left 60,000 without water for days

Documents released under Freedom of Information show no contact in 2017 between Irish Water and Department of Housing on €24 million Staleen investment Drogheda-based Labour Senator Ged Nash has said delays and confusion in Irish Water’s response to the major pipe burst at Staleen near Drogheda in late July contributed to the company’s “shambolic” handling…

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Cllr Jane Horgan Jones to Chair Labour Campaign Committee to Repeal the 8th – Howlin

Labour Leader Brendan Howlin has today announced that Councillor Jane Horgan Jones will chair the Labour Campaign to Repeal the 8th Amendment. Cllr Horgan Jones has been a member of Dublin City Council since 2011 and previously served on the Labour Party Expert Commission on the 8th Amendment. Making the announcement, Deputy Howlin noted: “Back…

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Further delay of Dominick Street development a major blow to local community- Costello

Labour spokesperson on Urban Regeneration Joe Costello, has said the announcement  yesterday by Dublin City Council that the regeneration of the old Dominick Street flats in the heart of the City was stalled due to lack of funding is another blow to local residents who have suffered empty promises for the last 20 years. Mr…

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Large turnout at March for Choice needed to build campaign momentum

Labour Party representative on the Eighth Amendment Committee, Jan O’Sullivan TD has encouraged people to attend the Abortion Rights’ Campaign March for Choice taking place in Dublin tomorrow. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “With the Committee on the Eighth Amendment examining the Citizens’ Assembly recommendations, we are on course to see a referendum on the Eighth Amendment…

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Government should restore funding to Baby Friendly Health Initiative

Labour TD Joan Burton today raised at the Order of Business the removal of funding of €50,000 from the Baby Friendly Health Initiative by the Government that has forced it to close down. Deputy Burton said: “In the Dáil today, at the Order of Business I asked the Minister for Education in the context of…

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Defibrillators should be installed in all schools

Labour Party TD for Dublin Fingal, Brendan Ryan has supported calls by Gaelscoil Ros Éo principal Tim Ó Tuachaigh to install defibrillators in all schools as a life-saving measure. This call comes as Mr Ó Tuachaigh saved a life of a nine year old child when he helped to revive the pupil who collapsed in the…

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Ross-induced governance crisis as five State transport Boards without Chair

Labour spokesperson on Transport, Senator Kevin Humphreys has highlighted the lack of a chairperson on five State transport boards. This comes with the prospect of a strike in Irish Rail and ongoing issues in Bus Éireann. The Minister for Transport has failed to ensure that these State boards can operate properly and that a functioning…

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Closure of Baby Friendly Health Initiative bad news for Irish mothers

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has slammed the failure of the HSE for withdrawing funding from the Baby Friendly Health Initiative. Following the loss of €50,000 in funding itI has been forced to close and this comes just days before National Breastfeeding Week starts on 1st October. Senator Humphreys said: “Having worked in Ireland for nearly…

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Failure to secure Yeats Collection a National Embarrassment

Labour spokesperson on Culture, Joan Burton TD has said that the failure to secure the Yeats Collection in public ownership is a national embarrassment following questions to the Minister for Culture in the Dáil. This follows the failure of the State to purchase the collection before it went on auction today in London. Deputy Burton…

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Confirmed: New Drugs now won’t be funded until November

Following questions from Labour spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, it was confirmed this morning by the Minister for Health that nine new high tech drugs won’t be available to patients until November. These drugs have been found to be life saving and cost effective, and the HSE and Department of Health had said in…

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Government must commit to date for water ownership referendum

As the Government met today to discuss up to eight planned referendums, Labour spokesperson on Water Jan O’Sullivan has expressed her surprise at the failure of the Government to advance a referendum to ensure that our water infrastructure remains in public ownership. The Labour Party TD Willie Penrose first proposed such a referendum in his…

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Labour to hold doorstep on water referendum today @ 3.30 pm

Labour Party spokesperson on Water, Jan O’Sullivan TD and Willie Penrose TD will be available to speak to journalists on the Leinster House Plinth today at 3.30 pm about Government’s failure to include a water referendum on their list of referendums as discussed at Cabinet today. Date: Tuesday, 26th SeptemberTime: 3.30 pmLocation: Leinster House plinth…

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Howlin to attend British Labour Conference

Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin will attend the UK Labour Party Conference in Brighton over the coming three days, and will focus his efforts on seeking to further develop the Labour Party position on Brexit. “I am delighted to once again attend the UK Labour Conference in Brighton this year. As members of the Party…

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Sherlock calls for immediate publication of Murray Report

Labour Justice Spokesperson Sean Sherlock TD has today called for the immediate publication of the Murray Report. Former Chief Justice, John L. Murray submitted his report on the Review of the Law on the Retention of and Access to Communications Data to the Minister for Justice in April 2017. Deputy Sherlock: “We are now in…

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Strategy needed to attract more healthcare workers from UK

Following news that 10,000 EU nationals have left the NHS since the Brexit vote, Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly has called on the HSE to use Brexit as a way to address staff shortages in the health service. Deputy Kelly commented:  “Yesterday, NHS Digital confirmed that 9,832 EU nationals left the NHS between 30…

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Ireland must lead on Sustainable Development Goals

Labour Party Leader and spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Brendan Howlin TD has said on the second anniversary of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, that having played a key role in negotiating the 17 goals and 169 targets, Ireland must now lead on delivery. Deputy Howlin said: “Despite considerable progress, chronic poverty, hunger, political insecurity and…

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