Transparency needed from Government on School Reopenings, Vaccinations and Case Numbers

NPHET should carry out risk assessment of school reopenings. More information and daily updates on vaccinations required. Full explanation needed for delays in reporting Covid-19 cases. Nearly two weeks on since the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine was cleared for use in Ireland, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly TD has repeated his call for transparency and daily updates…

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NPHET risk assessment needed before reopening of schools

Preference is to reopen schools but only if safe to do so. Government should agree to abide by NPHET advice on reopening schools. Labour Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called for NPHET to carry out a public health risk assessment on the reopening schools from 11th January and for government to agree to abide…

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Statement on death of George Nkencho

Labour Party Justice spokesperson Brendan Howlin TD said:“The loss of a life is always a tragedy, and I express the condolences of the Labour Party to the family of Mr George Nkencho who was fatally shot by Gardaí on Wednesday. I am also mindful of those injured during the events leading up to that, and…

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Has the Minister for Health guaranteed supply of beds from private hospitals?

Private hospital capacity must be on standby as Covid cases increase Nationalisation of some private hospital capacity must be an option to deal with Covid surge. Certainly needed that private beds will be made available. With the number of hospitalisations from Covid-19 rapidly increasing, Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly has called for assurances from the…

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Transparency on COVID Vaccination Roll Out & Strategy Essential

 Kelly asks Government to Publish Daily Figures & Vaccine Procurement Updates. Transparency essential to give people hope for the future. Leader of the Labour Party Alan Kelly has called on the Government to publish a daily report on vaccination roll out numbers along with a daily statement updating the Government’s vaccination procurement and implementation strategy,…

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Defence force personnel have played their part in the fight against Covid

Labour Spokeperson on Defence, Senator Mark Wall has paid tribute to members of the Defence Forces who continue to assist in the battle against Covid-19. On average, Since 13 March 2020, an average of 187 Defence Forces personnel have deployed on COVID-19 related supports on a daily basis. In a detailed reply from the Minister…

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New Restrictions necessary but extra resources for contact tracing needed

Essential workers over Christmas should be allowed travel for a few more days after 26th. Additional supports needed asap for workers and businesses forced to close. Tracing system must be radically improved. With Covid-19 cases rapidly rising the decision to impose new restrictions including the UK travel ban was warranted but it will impact heavily…

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Irish people in UK struggling to get through to DFA phone line

Extra resources needed for phone lines. Responding to cases of Irish people finding it difficult to get through to Department of Foreign Affairs phone line in the UK, Labour Transport spokesperson Duncan Smith said: “Many Irish citizens are in an information black hole with no guidance on how to arrange travel plans. Many are reporting…

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Deportation of family to UK should not proceed before 31st December

Office of the Minister for Justice refused to halt transfer. Family should not be deported to UK now where new Covid strain is circulating. Having received reports that a family with four young children are facing imminent deportation from Ireland to the UK by 31st December, Labour Seanad Leader Ivana Bacik and spokesperson on Immigration…

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Mandatory Covid testing at ports now essential

Cabinet should be brought forward Clear guidance on Covid-19 restrictions now needed.  Ramped up testing and tracing capacity essential for coming weeks. With the government due to introduce a 48 hour travel ban from Britain into Ireland, Labour Transport spokesperson Duncan Smith repeated his long standing call for mandatory Covid-19 testing for visitors arriving at…

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Labour welcome the establishment of the commission on Defence but pay and conditions concerns remain

Following our submission to the Department of Defence, the Labour Party and Party Defence Spokesperson, Senator Mark Wall have cautiously welcomed the establishment of the Commission and wish it well in it’s work. Senator Wall said:  “Labour believe that recruitment, pay, conditions, career progression and welfare of service families pose significant problems regarding the viability…

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Labour Senators welcome passage of Coco’s Law through the Seanad

Today, Friday 18th December, Labour Senators have welcomed the passage of the Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Bill 2017 through all stages of the Seanad. Reacting to the passage of the Bill, Labour Seanad group leader and Spokesperson for Children Disability, Equality and Integration, Senator Ivana Bacik has said, “It will be a great…

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Smith welcomes Committee Report on Climate Bill – a decade of concerned action an imperative

Labour Party Spokesperson on Climate Action Duncan Smith has welcomed the publication of the pre-legislative scrutiny report from the Joint Committee on Climate on the Climate Action Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Bill 2020.   Deputy Smith said:   “Carbon emission reduction is the biggest challenge facing us globally and it is clear that this decade…

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Howlin welcomes final passage of his bill – Coco’s Law – to tackle online harassment and image based sexual abuse

Long three year campaign to make the internet a safer place. New law will tackle image based sexual abuse and online harassment. Bill named in honour of Nicole ‘Coco’ Fox Fenlon. Labour Justice Spokesperson, Brendan Howlin today welcomed the final passage of his Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Bill through the Seanad after a…

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Public cannot wait for 5 days to hear about potential additional restrictions

Public and businesses need certainty Taoiseach should bring forward cabinet meeting Labour Leader Alan Kelly says that the public cannot be expected to wait for 5 days to hear from the Government about any potential additional Covid restrictions that may come into force before the new year. Deputy Kelly said: “The public and businesses need…

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McEntee contradicts Dáil statement – needs to fully explain contradictions in timeline and process

Following Leaders Questions in the Dáil where the Tánaiste avoided answering questions on the latest Woulfe process revelations Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly said that there are contradictions in the statements from the Minister and that the timelines don’t add up. Deputy Kelly said: “What is clear from the statements by the Minister for Justice…

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Tánaiste confirms to Kelly that vaccinations will start in Ireland this year 

The Tánaiste Leo Varadkar has confirmed to Labour Leader and Health Spokesperson Alan Kelly during Promised Legislation in the Dáil that vaccinations will start in the Republic of Ireland this year.  Deputy Kelly said: “I welcome the Tánaiste’s confirmation to me that the EMA will approve the Pfizer/BioNTec vaccine following a meeting on Monday and…

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Housing Minister disingenuous for announcing a co-living ban while allowing applications to sneak through

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan has said that the Housing Minister is needs to state clearly that we a ban on co-living and not allow applications to sneak through Senator Moynihan was speaking after a number of applications have been made to An Bord Pleanála after the ban was announced. Senator Moynihan said: “The…

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Covid situation in Northern Ireland deeply concerning

Taoiseach needs to relay to the Executive serious concerns about their approach and encourage them to take action Speaking at Leaders Questions, Labour Leader and Health Spokesperson Alan Kelly raised the Covid situation in Northern Ireland. Deputy Kelly was speaking after 17 ambulances were forced to queue and treat patients with the engine running in…

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Has there been a slipping of ambition when it comes to ending Direct Provision?

Reacting to news reports that Minister for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration Roderic O’Gorman TD has told NGOS that a government White Paper on ending Direct Provision, which was due for publication in December, will now not be published until February 2021, Labour Seanad group leader and Spokesperson for Children Disability, Equality and Integration, Senator…

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Questions remain on vaccination plan

Labour Party Leader and Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said that additional questions remain unanswered following the publication of the Covid-19 Vaccination Implementation Plan. Deputy Kelly said: “We all know that the Covid-19 Vaccine implementation plan is a living document with many moving parts but we need clear answers on the administration of the…

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Labour bill would save people money by tackling the loyalty penalty and poor customer service

Proposed law would outlaw practise of existing customers being charged higher rates for subscription services like insurance, utilities and telecommunications. Obliges companies like Eir to handle customer complaints according to a regulated standard. Would ensure lower prices and better customer service. A new bill published by Labour Party TDs Ged Nash, Duncan Smith and Aodhán…

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Cost rental scheme welcome but the devil will be in the detail

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Senator Rebecca Moynihan has welcomed an announcement by Housing Minister Darragh O’Brien of a cost rental scheme of 350 homes by the end of 2021.  Senator Moynihan was speaking after Minister O’Brien issued a ‘Call for Proposals’ for his Department’s new Cost Rental Equity Loan(CREL) scheme. The fund will support Approved Housing…

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Discrimination against loyal customers with differential pricing must end

Labour to publish Consumer Protection bill to end the perverse ‘loyalty penalty’ Central Bank interim report shows urgent need for action. With an interim Central Bank report showing that more loyal customers are punished with higher insurance premiums, Labour Finance spokesperson Ged Nash said there was an urgent need for action, and that tomorrow the…

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