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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Mallow Hospital must be a solution to Cork overcrowding

Labour Party TD for Cork East, Seán Sherlock has called for the rapid expansion of a paramedic treatment pilot scheme and for the fast tracking of the building works at Mallow General Hospital in order to relieve severe overcrowding pressures on Cork hospitals. Deputy Sherlock said: “Level two hospitals such as Mallow and Ennis have…

Seán Sherlock TD
10 January 2023

Persistent overcrowding caused by lack of real community care options

Trolley crisis causing serious damage to health workers’ physical and mental health Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith TD has this weekend criticised the Government for the lack of any real community care options for people presenting to Accident and Emergency Departments and said the persistent overcrowding in hospitals is causing serious damage to nurses, midwives,…

08 January 2023

Emergency focus need to combat sharp increase in homelessness

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has said the sharp increase of 27% in people living in homelessness in the month of November means an emergency focus is needed to combat yet another deplorable record set by the Minister for Housing and his Government. Senator Moynihan said: “It is absolutely deplorable that homelessness still breaking all…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
06 January 2023

Bacik calls for Gender Equality and Care Referendum in 2023

Speaking to mark Nollaig na mBan, Labour Party leader, Deputy Ivana Bacik has called upon Government to commit to holding a referendum on equality and care in 2023, based upon the recommendations in the report of the Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality, ‘Unfinished Democracy’, published in December 2022. Chaired by Ivana Bacik TD, the cross-party…

Ivana Bacik TD
06 January 2023

Real leadership needed to combat overcrowding crisis

Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith has described the record numbers of people waiting to be admitted into hospital as calamitous yet entirely predictable. Deputy Smith said: “It is genuinely hard to believe overcrowding is worse now than during the once in a lifetime pandemic. However, here we are, with frontline health services in crisis all…

03 January 2023

Christmas swimmers need assurances that water quality is safe in Dublin Bay

Bacik calls for Dublin Bay Authority to protect and promote the swimmers’ paradise Labour leader and Dublin Bay South TD Ivana Bacik has called for a Dublin Bay Authority to be enacted to protect and promote the swimmers’ paradise throughout the city. With thousands expected to take to the sea over the Christmas week and…

Ivana Bacik TD
22 December 2022

Climate and Biodiversity Crises Must Become a Priority for Government

Speaking about the revised Climate Action Plan which was approved by Cabinet today (21st December), Labour leader and climate spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD described as “deeply frustrating” the constant delays and missed targets which now characterise the Government’s approach to the climate crisis. Deputy Bacik said: “Last week, I challenged the outgoing Taoiseach on the…

Ivana Bacik TD
21 December 2022

Don’t believe Government’s honeyed words on low pay – they didn’t even turn up in Court today to defend under threat wage setting legislation

Labour Party spokesperson on worker’s rights, Senator Marie Sherlock has said it is disgraceful that the Government continue to sit on their hands and failure to defend wage setting legislation that is now under attack in the courts. Senator Sherlock said: “Today was the third court date for the judicial review taken by the three…

20 December 2022

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