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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Domestic violence leave needed to ensure a compassionate workplace

Labour leader Ivana Bacik TD has said that introducing statutory domestic violence leave is one of a range of supports that should be available to victims of domestic, sexual or gender based violence. Speaking this morning, Deputy Bacik said that stronger workplace supports are necessary, not only to protect victims and survivors of domestic and…

Ivana Bacik TD
05 October 2022

Conversations between teachers and parents should be about education – not money

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has demanded government revisit the education measures announced in last week’s Budget and make education genuinely free. Responding to a survey published by the CSO today, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said the cost of living crisis is compounding financial strain for families with children in school. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said:…

04 October 2022

Government must protect social housing providers from interest rate hikes

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said building homes cannot be a casualty of rising interest rates. With Housing for All failing to hit any of its markers, Senator Moynihan said government must take serious measures to build homes this year. Senator Moynihan said: “Government must insulate social housing providers from interest rate hikes. With the…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
03 October 2022

Labour stand for a real republic across the island

As the oldest political party in the State, Labour aspires to achieve an agreed, united island, founded on fairness and equality for all people on the island. We are Connollyite republicans who believe our nation would be better united. Like our sister Party the SDLP, like us members of the PES, we also share a…

Ivana Bacik TD
01 October 2022

Labour Leader calls for Reform of Abortion Laws

Speaking today to open the AGM of the ‘START’ group (Southern Taskgroup on Abortion & Reproductive Topics), Labour leader Ivana Bacik TD called for change to be made to abortion laws to ensure that women’s real reproductive healthcare needs are met. Deputy Bacik said: “The lrish people voted overwhelmingly by referendum to repeal the Eighth…

Ivana Bacik TD
01 October 2022

Record homelessness in a week of record wastefulness

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said the government’s failure to tackle homelessness is the greatest shame of modern Ireland. With record numbers of people living in homelessness, Senator Moynihan said the unprecedented budget published this week is meaningless when it exists in a society where government policy is forcing more and more people onto the…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
30 September 2022

Labour Leader calls for Preparatory Work in Advance of any Referendum on Unification

Speaking at the Ireland’s Future event to be held tomorrow in the Three Arena Dublin, Labour Party Leader Ivana Bacik TD will express Labour’s call for an all-of-government approach to be taken in carrying out the necessary preparatory work prior to the holding of any referendum on unification of the island. Speaking tomorrow, Deputy Bacik…

Ivana Bacik TD
30 September 2022

Vacant Home Tax without teeth is more wasted paper from Housing Minister

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said with an estimated 31,367 vacant homes in Dublin alone, Government should have brought in meaningful legislation to bring empty homes back into circulation. Senator Moynihan said: “The Vacant Homes Tax announced during the Budget is typical Fianna Fáil tactics of delay, delay, delay. The scheme as announced is entirely…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
30 September 2022

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