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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Structural changes needed to provide fairness for renters

HAP limits have not been updated since 2017 Minister must progress Income Eligibility Scheme Differential Rate Scheme must be managed on a nationwide basis Responding to the ESRI report published this morning Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash said the government must revise the HAP limits in light of the current cost of living crisis. Deputy…

26 May 2022

Children should not be left lingering on waiting lists for special school places

Govt unable to provide regional breakdown for waiting lists Speaking in the Dáil today, Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith criticised government for a failure to properly plan and resource special school places. Deputy Smith said: “Last week a family once again had to resort to telling their story to RTÉ to vindicate the constitutional right…

25 May 2022

Govt must fast track legislation to provide safe, free and legal access to abortion

Marking four years from the vote to repeal the eighth amendment, Labour Senator Annie Hoey has urged government to fast track the Safe Access Zone legislation to protect women accessing abortion services in Ireland. Senator Hoey said: “Four years ago today people came out in their droves to support and trust women. The overwhelming vote…

Senator Annie Hoey image
25 May 2022

Fight for better pay and conditions for PDFORRA members bolstered

Labour defence spokesperson Mark Wall has welcomed the granting of associate status of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions to PDFORRA. As a supporter of PDFORRA’s campaign to join with ICTU, Senator Wall said this move will be essential as members of the Defence Forces seek better pay and conditions. Senator Wall said: “Labour has…

Senator Mark Wall
24 May 2022

HPV catch-up programme should be more broadly available

With the HPV vaccine now due to be made available to women up to age 25, Labour Health spokesperson Duncan Smith TD has said the Minister should ask NIAC to assess if it should be made available for women up to the age of 45. Deputy Smith said: “The HPV catch-up vaccine programme should be…

23 May 2022

Rogue attempt by Tánaiste to muddy the waters on flexible work

Flexible work increases employee morale and productivity Flexible work creates more diverse work force Flexible work benefits local economies Labour Bill would provide right to flexible work not government’s preferred option of right to refuse Labour employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock has slammed the spin emanating from government regarding the cost of flexible work to the…

19 May 2022

Labour demand Minister McGrath and Donnelly break the deadlock in MLSA pay dispute

Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith has today (Wednesday, 18th May) demanded that the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath, and Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, engage directly with MLSA representatives immediately in order to break the deadlock concerning pay equality for medical scientists. Deputy Smith said: “Going on strike is always the last…

18 May 2022

Govt must seize opportunity to protect problem gamblers

Labour Bill would ban all gambling ads Welcoming the report of the Oireachtas Justice Committee which recommends banning ads by betting companies before the watershed, Labour sports spokesperson Mark Wall said government must go further and ban all ads from gambling companies. Senator Wall said: “We know that gambling companies are actively targeting our young…

Senator Mark Wall
18 May 2022

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