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Budget 2023 falls short. We need an Ireland that works for all.

As a country, we are unrecognisable from the young, poor and conservative State we were when the tricolour was first raised over Dublin Castle in 1922. We are now richer than we have ever been in our history. More liberal, open, diverse, welcoming and confident as a society than anyone could have imagined even half…

28 September 2022

Little comfort for low paid and disabled workers in Budget 2023

• Budget more about buying time for an out of touch Government Labour employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock has said Budget 2023 provides little comfort for low paid and disabled workers and that the Government has again failed to recognise the massive challenges they face. Senator Sherlock said: “Low paid single workers earning between €23k and…

27 September 2022

New TBESS is a licence for energy companies to print money

New scheme won’t protect jobs, wages or businesses from rising energy bills Public money better spent on a domestic energy cap and Labour’s Energy Wage Subsidy Scheme Refusal to bring in windfall tax is an indictment of government  Labour finance spokesperson, Ged Nash, has today (Tuesday, 27th September) accused the Government of socialising the costs, and…

27 September 2022

Tax credit without rent freeze simply nonsensical

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said that without an emergency rent freeze the rental tax credits announced today are meaningless. With rents rising on average of 12.5% annually, Senator Moynihan said renters are facing a winter of grave uncertainty. Senator Moynihan said: “It’s clear that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are entirely divorced from the…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
27 September 2022

Renters need certainty this winter – Budget 2023 must deliver

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said an eviction ban and rent freeze must be key features of any housing measures announced by government tomorrow. Senator Moynihan said the mooted €400 tax credit for renters shows just how divorced Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are from the lived reality of renters in Ireland today. Senator Moynihan…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
26 September 2022

Budget 2023 must provide a fair increase in social welfare payments

€20 increase must be provided Labour social protection spokesperson Seán Sherlock has demanded that government meet the rate of inflation and provide a €20 increase to social welfare payments. Speaking in advance of Budget 2023, Deputy Sherlock said double payments must made in October and December to give people a chance this winter. Deputy Sherlock…

Seán Sherlock TD
26 September 2022

Free school books must cover all pupils

Secondary school books must be included as part of Budget 2023 package Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó’Ríordáin has today (Monday, 26th September) demanded that the government includes secondary school pupils in a new free book scheme to be rolled out from next September as part of Budget 2023. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “Since I was…

26 September 2022

€200 cap on childcare would bring more women into the workplace

Labour Alternative Budget aims to make work pay End low pay and introduce immediate minimum wage increase  Embed flexibility from the start in employment contracts  Labour employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock said there is a crisis in the world of work for thousands of women throughout the country. Through a lack of action on affordable childcare,…

23 September 2022

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