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Labour Bill to provide time off after early miscarriage to be debated using Govt time

Seanad will debate Labour’s Organisation of Working Time Act (Reproductive Health Related Leave) Bill 2021 on Thursday at 1:30pm. Legislation would ensure women could access up to 20 days paid leave in the case of early miscarriage. Up to 10 days leave for all employees accessing other reproductive health treatments, such as IVF. A Labour…

19 January 2022

Wealth inequality is the hidden pandemic of our time

Finance Minister refuses to consider wealth tax as fortunes of billionaires double Wealth tax urgently needed to address obscene levels of inequality Responding to today’s Oxfam report which shows that nine Irish billionaires added €18bn to their wealth during the Covid-19 pandemic, Labour’s Finance Spokesperson Ged Nash has called on the Minister for Finance to…

17 January 2022

Beyond time to regulate crisis pregnancy agencies

Women being lied to in a grotesque manner at a time of deep vulnerability Labour Senator, and Oireachtas Health Committee member, Annie Hoey, has today demanded that the government act to clamp down on unregulated crisis pregnancy agencies operating in Ireland. Following media reports, Senator Hoey said there is now a real opportunity for the…

Senator Annie Hoey image
17 January 2022

Hybrid leaving cert the only realistic option – certainty needed now

Following the publication of the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union (ISSU) survey showing two-thirds of exam students support a hybrid model for state exams, Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said the Minister and Department must commence planning to facilitate this. Speaking today, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said the engagement from students, teachers and the wider education…

17 January 2022

Labour demands Donohoe support for decade of green investment at Eurogroup meeting

Labour Party Finance and Public Expenditure Spokesperson, Ged Nash, has today (Monday, 17th, January) called on the Minister for Finance, Pascal Donohoe, to articulate clear and committed support for a decade of green investment at a meeting of the Euro area finance ministers later today. Speaking in advance of the Eurogroup meeting that is set…

17 January 2022

Dublin Castle commemoration a timely reminder of unfinished Republic

Labour Party leader, Alan Kelly TD has today said the State commemoration to mark the centenary of the handover of Dublin Castle is a timely reminder of how Ireland remains an unfinished Republic. Deputy Kelly, who will represent the Labour Party at the State commemoration, said: “The Labour Party believes in Ireland and there is…

16 January 2022

Rent freeze needed until more homes come into supply

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said with Ireland’s rents now at the upper end of housing cost figures in Europe, government must implement a rent freeze until more homes come into supply. In a ferocious market where renters continue to feel the pain of poor government policy, Senator Moynihan said there are structural changes that…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
14 January 2022

Govt cost rental targets must be increased

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said the report published by the Parliamentary Budget Office proves its time for the Minister to act and amend the cost rental targets in the Housing for All plan. Senator Moynihan said: “It’s time for Minister O’Brien to step up and take account of the reality of the housing market….

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
13 January 2022

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