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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Emergency Housing for All plan needed to get people through the winter

Time limited eviction ban and rent freeze Implement purchases with tenant in situ Focus on increased delivery of social and affordable homes Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has demanded the introduction of an Emergency Housing for All plan to keep people from entering homelessness this winter. A Labour analysis of Housing for All last month…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
23 September 2022

Eviction ban must be introduced this winter

With a huge increase in eviction notices to renters, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said Government must intervene to keep a roof over people’s heads this winter. Speaking in advance of the publication of Labour’s alternative budget, Senator Moynihan said with evictions up by 54%, homelessness up by 30% and rents up by 12.5% renters…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
22 September 2022

Households need emergency measures to get through the winter

Windfall Tax to be redistributed to those who need it most Energy price cap to keep the heat on for households Emergency eviction ban while supply comes on stream Launching its Alternative Budget today (Thursday 22nd September) Labour has demanded a radical package of measures to protect households this winter. Speaking today, Labour finance spokesperson…

22 September 2022

Government is dodging its responsibility to care and community sector

Thousands of care and community sector workers taking strike action this week deserve better than a Government which continually seeks to dodge its responsibilities towards them and those who rely on the vital services they provide, says Labour Health Spokesman, Duncan Smith. After a visiting a picket line held by hundreds of SIPTU, Forsa and…

21 September 2022

Bacik calls for Citizens’ Assembly on the future of Agriculture and Food Production in Ireland

Labour leader Ivana Bacik has today (Tuesday 20th September) called on the Government to convene a Citizens’ Assembly on the future of agriculture and food production in Ireland. Speaking at the Ploughing Championships, in Ratheniska, Co Laois, Deputy Bacik said a radical rethink of Ireland’s agriculture sector needs to happen to cut emissions and to…

Ivana Bacik TD
20 September 2022

Labour demands ban on evictions for landlords selling up

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has demanded a ban on evictions for landlords exiting the property market. With a precarious winter ahead, Senator Moynihan said Government must have a sense of urgency on security of tenure for renters who are living in deep anxiety and uncertainty. Senator Moynihan said: “We need to see Government policy…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
20 September 2022

Remembering Jim Kemmy

  Join us to celebrate the life and legacy of Jim Kemmy on the 25th anniversary of his untimely death. A number of events have been organised by the Remembering Jim Committee over the weekend from Friday 23rd September to Sunday 25th September to reflect the many sides of Jim’s life. A full the programme…

16 September 2022

Govt must end blanket ban on pets in rented homes

People should not be asked to move house or accept accommodation without their furry family member Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has demanded Government end the blanket ban on pets in rented accommodation. As people receiving homes in Approved Housing Bodies report being asked to choose between a roof over their head or their family…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
16 September 2022

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