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Social welfare increases won’t even keep pace with expected inflation rate

As prices rise Budget 2022 will leave households worse off. For example a minimum €7.50 increase is needed to jobseeker payments to insulate against 3.7% inflation. Responding to the €5 increase to weekly payments, and other associated measures, Labour Social Protection spokesperson Seán Sherlock TD said the projected inflation rate of 3.7% means that the…

Seán Sherlock TD
12 October 2021

Budget 2022 fails to deliver a new deal

Response to Budget 2022 – Check against delivery This Budget takes our State into the second century of its existence.  In 2022 we will mark the centenary of the foundation of the Free State. That in itself gives cause for reflection.  Coming out of this phase of the pandemic, the need for a deep assessment…

12 October 2021

DCC comments about student accommodation completely out of touch

Responding to Owen Keegan’s out of touch comments about the student accommodation crisis, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan said the disrespect shown to students by the DCC head is belittling and wrong. Senator Moynihan: “The comments made by Owen Keegan today aren’t even worth repeating. It exemplifies the attitude of DCC to the planning crisis…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
11 October 2021

From the plough to the stars – Government must show commitment to the Arts and arts workers as we come out of pandemic

Labour Alternative Budget would commence a pilot basic income scheme Arts Council funding to be expanded to €150m Devote €1.3 million to extend opening hours of cultural institutions Funding to help Local Authorities buy and refurbish vacant properties for arts and culture space In advance of Budget day, Labour spokesperson on the arts Marie Sherlock said…

10 October 2021

Budget 2022 must prioritise mental health spending for young people

Labour’s alternative budget provides €85 million for CAHMS and Eating Disorder teams Education campaign needed to end the stigma In advance of World Mental Health Day this Sunday, Labour health spokesperson Duncan Smith has called on government to set aside targeted funding for children and young people’s mental health in Budget 2022. Deputy Smith said:…

08 October 2021

Minister must commit to Dáil debate on pensions – not kick to committee

Labour Party Social Protection Spokesperson Seán Sherlock has reiterated calls for the Minister for Social Protection to publish the Pension Commission report and commit to a Dáil debate on it as a matter of urgency. While the Government continues to kick the can on this issue, now to a sub-committee, Deputy Sherlock said people need…

Seán Sherlock TD
07 October 2021

Unworkable circulars tying the hands of principals

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the Department of Education to stop issuing unworkable circulars that are tying the hands of principals rather than empowering them to find solutions locally. Following an unrealistic circular issued yesterday, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said that school communities need practical solutions from the Department, not further barriers….

07 October 2021

Reduction in public transport fares would signal long term thinking

Investment of €87 million needed for free public transport for students and children Expansion of City Bikes scheme badly needed Time to increase list of commuter stations and towns Labour’s transport spokesperson Duncan Smith said the failure of government to present a timeline for the reduction of transport fares is a further symptom of short-term…

06 October 2021

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