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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Taoiseach confirms to Labour that PUP will count towards redundancy rights

Redundancy rights suspended until end of September. Taoiseach says no workers will lose out. Questioning the Taoiseach in the Dáil today on whether the time a worker spent on the PUP will count towards their redundancy entitlements, the Taoiseach confirmed a bespoke scheme is being worked on to ensure a worker gets their entitlements and…

01 June 2021

Government must not pull drawbridge up on those who have lost work

Early €50 cut to PUP a cliff edge drop in anyone’s language New wage support scheme should replace EWSS to give firms a shot at viability Minister must clarify ‘aggressive tax strategy’ reform pledge to allow draw down of €950million New deal needed for young people Ged Nash, Labour’s Finance & Public Expenditure spokesperson has…

01 June 2021

Reintroduce the school library grant to give every child a right to read

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on Government to reintroduce the school library grant to give every child the right to read. Backing the Children’s Books Ireland campaign, Deputy Ó Ríordáin said the school library is a crucial part of building children’s literacy skills and must be properly resourced and funded. Deputy Ó…

01 June 2021

Bravery of Naomi Osaka must be backed up with action

Labour sports spokesperson Senator Mark Wall has said sporting organisations at home and abroad must learn from the actions taken by Naomi Osaka to protect her mental health by withdrawing from the French Open. Senator Wall said that in the era of ‘be kind’, we must all be cognisant that mental health struggles can affect…

Senator Mark Wall
01 June 2021

Funding Urgently Required for Local Amenities in Dublin Bay South

Following confirmation in the Seanad today that the Minister for Education will not fund the development of an astro-turf pitch for Harold’s Cross Educate Together Secondary School, Senator Ivana Bacik and Councillor Mary Freehill have said that Government needs to do more to ensure adequate local sports facilities and public spaces. Senator Bacik said: “It…

Ivana Bacik TD
01 June 2021

Ivory tower thinking from government on PUP cuts

Government has no answer for how families will pay their bills with lower payment while workers forced to wait for sector to recover. Responding to the expected government announcement on the planned cuts to the PUP, Labour Employment Affairs spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock said this bore all the hallmarks of a technocratic Government disconnected from…

01 June 2021

Labour to respond to Economic Plans – 11.30am doorstep

Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly, together with Finance spokesperson Ged Nash and Seanad Leader Ivana Bacik will be available on the plinth at Leinster House this morning at 11.30am to respond to the government’s economic plan, and issues of the day. What: Doorstep with Labour reps. Where: Leinster House plinth, Kildare St. When: 11.30am, Tuesday…

Guidance on Vaccines for Erasmus and Exchange students needed

Many students will have to travel in August and some colleges and countries have a vaccine requirement. Labour Further and Higher Education spokesperson Sen. Annie Hoey has raised concerns in the Seanad today about the lack of clear guidance for Erasmus and exchange students on requirements that may be in place for them to have…

Senator Annie Hoey image
31 May 2021

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