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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

We need to see personal accountability from banks – Howlin

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD, has said we need to see personal accountability from the banks in light of the tracker mortgage scandal. Deputy Howlin said: “Just a few short years ago the banks brought our country to its knees with reckless lending. Now we have yet another scandal. The banks are now in…

Labour Admin

26 October 2017

Speech by Jan O’Sullivan TD on the National Planning Framework

I welcome the opportunity to participate in this debate.  I also took the opportunity to send in a submission, on behalf of my party, in the earlier consultation phase.  This has been going on since 2014.  It is a long time and there have been many meetings around the country.  There have been opportunities for…

Labour Admin

26 October 2017

Post EU Council Statement by Brendan Howlin

Post EU Council Statement by Brendan Howlin in Dáil Éireann, 25th October 2017. The EU Council last week came to number of important conclusions on Migration, Digital Europe, Security & Defence, External Relations and of course Brexit. Since we last spoke on this issue, a number of significant developments have progressed. In his remarks before…

Labour Admin

25 October 2017

Local community shocked by woman’s killing in North Inner City

Labour spokesperson on Urban Regeneration and resident of the North Inner city Joe Costello has said the local community is shocked by the violent killing of a woman in the area. Mr Costello said: “The reported violent death of a young French woman in Gardiner Street in the North Inner City last night is a…

Labour Admin

25 October 2017

One Street shows the way on Housing Crisis

In advance of a sod turning ceremony for 19 new homes in Beech Hill, Dublin 4, Labour Leader on Dublin City Council, Councillor Dermot Lacey highlighted that it has taken several years and many obstacles had to be overcome for him to advance the project to this point, but that it provides a template for…

25 October 2017

No sign of scheme for mobility allowance in 2017

Labour Party General Election candidate for Dublin Bay North, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has criticised Minister Finian McGrath on delays to establishing a new mobility scheme to assist those with a disability in meeting their increased mobility costs. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “Despite answering Parliamentary Questions saying that a new mobility scheme will be up…

25 October 2017

Water committee prevented from debating referendum proposal- O’Sullivan

Labour member of the Oireachtas Water Committee Deputy Jan O’Sullivan has expressed her surprise and disappointment that two of her amendments to the Water Services Bill have been ruled out of order by the Committee chair. The Labour amendments called for a referendum to ensure our water supply and waste water treatment services remain in…

Labour Admin

25 October 2017

Labour doorstep: 2.30pm on Gender Pay Gap Information Bill 2017

Committee Stage of the Labour Party’s Gender Pay Gap Information Bill 2017 will take place this evening in the Seanad. Labour Seanad Leader Sen. Ivana Bacik will be available to speak to reporters on the Bill’s progress at 2.30pm on the plinth. What: Gender Pay Gap Information Bill 2017 Where: Leinster House Plinth When: 2.30pm…

Labour Trade Unionists
25 October 2017

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