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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Garda Commissioner must reflect on disciplinary issues in light of findings of NBCI

The findings of an NBCI investigation regarding the case of a Community Garda who gave a bike to a pensioner during COVID go to the heart of morale issues within An Garda Síochána, according to Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The length of time it has taken to exonerate the…

11 March 2024

Right to request remote working represents a right to refuse

Code of practice on remote and flexible working arrangements is major missed opportunity. Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock said the publication of the Code of Practice on the Right to Request Flexible Work and Remote working is a sad day for the many workers looking for flexible and remote working arrangements. Senator Sherlock said:…

08 March 2024

Hourigan says Europe can be part of the solution to our Housing crisis

Labour’s European candidate for Ireland South, Niamh Hourigan, says that the recent passing of a new EU bill to better regulate short-term rentals shows that EU institutions can be part of the solution to Ireland’s housing crisis. Hourigan was speaking after the European parliament last week passed a bill which will ensure that short-term letting…

07 March 2024

Stalling increased housing targets until after June elections a cop out

Labour’s finance spokesperson Ged Nash has slammed Government for its failure to increase and update its housing targets immediately. Deputy Nash said: “It’s simply incredible that Government is holding back the publication of the National Planning Framework, which informs housing requirements, until it receives updated population projections from the ESRI. “They are never found lacking…

06 March 2024

Hospital Crisis requires immediate Government response

Labour Leader Ivana Bacik TD has today at Leaders Questions raised the escalating crisis gripping hospitals nationwide. Deputy Bacik said “With hospital overcrowding conditions reaching dangerous levels in so many hospitals across the country, and patients reporting lengthy waits at Limerick, Tallaght, Vincents, and other hospitals, urgent action is imperative. Healthcare workers, who provide such…

Ivana Bacik TD
06 March 2024

Labour motion urges Government action on housing crisis

Government housing targets consistently inadequate Short-term letting regulation stalled, exacerbating housing shortage. Labour’s Duncan Smith TD speaking on the Labour motion in the Dáil today reiterated the urgent need for Government action to address Ireland’s housing crisis. Deputy Smith said “Government’s housing targets are simply too low and are failing to meet the critical demand…

06 March 2024

Opposition Parties Express Deep Concern at Planning Bill Committee Schedule

Labour, Sinn Féin, People Before Profit and the Social Democrats have today jointly expressed ‘deep concern’ at the schedule imposed on the Oireachtas Select Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage dealing with the Planning Bill. Deputies Bacik, Ó Broin, Boyd Barrett and O’Callaghan have said that ‘by trying to compress consideration of the legislation…

Ivana Bacik TD
05 March 2024

Labour demands urgent action on housing disaster

Labour brings motion on housing crisis to the Dáil Labour Leader Ivana Bacik TD today slammed lack of Government action on the housing crisis in the Dáil today. Labour will be bringing a motion that demands immediate action to address Ireland’s housing crisis. Deputy Bacik said, “With skyrocketing rents, soaring homelessness, and insufficient social and…

Ivana Bacik TD
05 March 2024

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