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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

More questions than answers following Davy’s ‘nixer‘ scandal

One law for ordinary people and another for high rollers Resignations a belated decision  Is Minister for Finance satisfied for NTMA to continue relationship with Davy? Labour finance spokesperson Ged Nash has asked the Minster for Finance to give his views on the appropriateness of the National Treasury Management Agency’s (NTMA) relationship with Davy in…

07 March 2021

State must intervene to find answers for unidentified bodies

In Ireland, there are 823 missing persons files open. However, there is no record of how many remains have been interred in cemeteries, or remain in morgues, as the current rules regulating coroners does not compel them to report unidentified remains to a central system. To redress this, Labour TD Duncan Smith has called on…

06 March 2021

Labour Launch Sign Up a Sister Campaign

The Labour Party has today launched its “Sign Up A Sister” campaign, waiving fees for all new members signed up during the month of March by an existing member of the Party. The initiative is part of its wider campaign to celebrate International Women’s Day. In recognition that many women feel locked out from politics,…

Labour Trade Unionists
05 March 2021

Labour Bill crucial in fight against illegal dumping

Labour Senator Mark Wall brought a landmark Bill to the Seanad which would allow the use of CCTV in prosecution of offences relating to illegal dumping. The Local Government (Use of CCTV in Prosecution of Offences) Bill 2021 comes as a result of the increase in illegal dumping in Irish country sides. Launching the Bill,…

Senator Mark Wall
05 March 2021

Labour Introduces Bill in Seanad to Improve Access to Birth Information for Adopted People

Today, Friday 5th March, Labour Seanad Group Leader, Senator Ivana Bacik will introduce the Labour Party’s Adoption (Information and Tracing) Bill 2021 in the Seanad. If enacted, this Bill will amend the Adoption Act 2010 to provide adopted persons with the right to access their birth certificates. Senator Bacik said: “This afternoon in the Seanad…

Ivana Bacik TD
05 March 2021

Increased investment for Sports Capital & Equipment Grant required

Government need to bridge gap from proposed €40m to the over €200m sought National Sports Facility survey needed to identify facilities that need upgrading Labour sports spokesperson Senator Mark Wall has welcomed the record number of applicants  for the Sports Capital & Equipment Programme 2020. With over €200m sought by applicants throughout the country, Senator…

Senator Mark Wall
04 March 2021

EU Directive on Gender Pay transparency is welcome but falls short of what is needed

Responding to the publication today by the EU Commission of their proposed directive on Pay Transparency between women and men, Labour’s employment affairs spokesperson Marie Sherlock welcomed the long awaited publication. Senator Sherlock said: “Ultimately, gender pay gap legislation is only one of a series of measures necessary to reduce the gap in pay between…

04 March 2021

Aviation workers need protection package

As the aviation industry remains grounded, Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith has called on the Government to ensure any “Living with Covid” strategy includes a suite of measures to protect workers in the aviation industry. Deputy Smith criticised Government for failing to introduce Labour’s proposed national suppression strategy which calls for the inclusion of a…

04 March 2021

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