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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Concerns of student nurses must be taken seriously by Government

In advance of debating the Labour Party Student Nurses (Pay) Bill to end the exploitation of student nurses and midwives, Senator Annie Hoey has called for Government to take action and pay our students.  Senator Hoey said: “We were so disappointed to hear of the cynical move by the Government to let this Bill pass…

Senator Annie Hoey image
18 February 2021

New Zealand’s Period Justice is Ireland’s Opportunity

Labour Senator Rebecca Moynihan has praised the work of Labour comrade Jacinda Arden for providing free period products in every school in New Zealand. Reacting to the news, Senator Moynihan highlighted the opportunity Ireland has to pave the way for evening the playing field even more here in Ireland by passing Labour’s Period Products (Free…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
18 February 2021

Potential Ulster Bank exit must be tackled by Minister for Finance

2,800 jobs at risk and loss of competition will cost customers  Minister should use role to help reshape banking market  Potential for a real third force in banking must be considered. Deputy Nash said: “A final decision from Nat West on the future of Ulster Bank is imminent. “If the bank is to exit the…

18 February 2021

Clarity on Choice for Class of 2021 Welcome

Congratulations must be extended to the students and ISSU on their campaign for choice School profiling must be ruled out now Education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has cautiously welcomed the news that clarity will be provided to the Leaving Cert class of 2021. Reacting to the announcement, Deputy Ó Ríordáin welcomed the work of all…

17 February 2021

Labour Launches Bill to Beat Gambling Advertising

Bill would ban all advertising of gambling in Ireland Experts report increase in gambling disorder referrals since Covid lockdown Public consultation launched to tackle scourge of gambling The Labour Party today published draft legislation to end the link between entertainment and betting by banning the advertisement of gambling. If enacted, the Gambling (Prohibition of Advertising)…

Senator Mark Wall
17 February 2021

Rethink on affordable housing needed

State policy must act to lower prices, not drive housing costs Policies must be targeted at those who need it most Greater Scaling Up of Cost Rental Needed Speaking after scrutiny of the Affordable Housing scheme at the Oireachtas Housing Committee, Labour spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has called on the Minister to clarify what further control…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
16 February 2021

Labour to launch draft bill to ban gambling ads alongside public survey – 11am today LH Plinth

Labour Sports spokesperson Sen. Mark Wall, and Enterprise spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin will be available to speak to the media at 11am today, Wednesday 17th February on the Leinster House plinth when they will publish a draft bill to ban gambling advertisements and launch a public consultation on the issue. What: Doorstep with Sen. Mark…

Labour Trade Unionists
16 February 2021

Labour Senators Concerned at Lack of Progress on Issue of Councillors’ Pay

Labour Party Senators have branded the lack of progress made on tackling the issue of Councillor’s pay as “deeply frustrating”. Despite a commitment in the Programme for Government, proposals on the issue of reforming the pay of City and County Councillors as recommended by the Moorhead Report have not been advanced.  Responding to a question…

Labour Trade Unionists
16 February 2021

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