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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

UK Variant mutations show need for aggressive suppression of Covid-19

UK sequencing shows B117 strain is acquiring a mutation found in the Brazilian and South African variants. New strains have potential to reduce effectiveness of vaccines if not stopped. Need to aim to get to Zero Covid Labour Leader Alan Kelly has called on the government to act quickly to introduce a National Aggressive Suppression…

02 February 2021

Cost-rental figures don’t equal affordability

Fianna Fáil must clarify what term loan they’re changing for the cost-rental of accommodation in Shanganagh , Dún Laoighaire, announced yesterday. Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has raised serious concerns with the costing proposed by Fianna Fáil. Senator Moynihan said: “Based on figures from the Fianna Fáil press release, they are expecting anyone accessing cost-rental…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
02 February 2021

Partners in education must be praised for partial reopening of special education

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD has praised the patience of the partners in education as special schools are set to gradually reopen from February 11th. The closure of schools continues to cause damage for all young people, and it is vital that those who need it most will return to in-class teaching in…

01 February 2021

Insurers should issue rebate as gesture of goodwill

As insurers continue to evade questions on plans for customer refunds for this year, Labour finance spokesperson, Ged Nash TD, has called on all insurers to consider offering a rebate as a gesture of goodwill. Such a move would reflect the reality that insurers are processing fewer claims, as people continue to heed public health…

01 February 2021

International community must take strong action to reverse Myanmar coup

Reacting to the situation in Myanmar, Labour Party spokesperson on foreign affairs, Brendan Howlin TD, has condemned the actions of the Myanmar military in once again overturning a legitimate election and illegally detaining elected officials. Deputy Howlin said: “The military action by the Myanmar army is unjustified and is a serious breach of international law….

Labour Admin

01 February 2021

Fast-track citizenship for frontline workers now

Labour spokesperson on Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, Senator Ivana Bacik, has reiterated her call to fast-track Irish citizenship for the many non-National frontline workers putting themselves at risk of contracting Covid-19 every day through providing essential care services in our communities. Senator Bacik encouraged people to sign the #FastTrackCitizenship petition online, started by Dr…

Ivana Bacik TD
31 January 2021

Ban on travel welcome but still no plan in place

Labour continues to call for mandatory hotel quarantine National Aggressive Suppression Strategy vital to reopen communities   Labour Leader Alan Kelly has welcomed the adoption of key components of its National Aggressive Suppression Strategy (NASS) by Minister Donnelly. Signing new regulations into law last night, Minister Donnelly introduced a ban on non-residents from travelling into…

30 January 2021

Renters must have opportunity to own pets

Labour spokesperson on housing, Senator Rebecca Moynihan, has welcomed the announcement by the Minister for Housing in the UK that landlords will no longer be able to issue blanket bans on pets in rented accommodation. The new Model Tenancy Agreement states that a ban on pets should only be enforced when there is good reason,…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
30 January 2021

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