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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Government must commit to addressing the gender disparity in sports funding

Decision by Oireachtas Sport Committee to examine gender disparity in sports overdue Labour Spokesperson on Sport, Senator Mark Wall has welcomed the announcement by the Chair of the Oireachtas Sport Committee that the committee will examine the funding disparity in sports funding. Senator Wall said that the Government must commit to implementing whatever recommendations the…

Senator Mark Wall
30 November 2020

Clear strategy to avoid repeat of more lockdowns now needed

Robust testing and tracing system to tackle future cases needed. Detailed rollout plan for Covid-19 vaccine must be published. Inter-county travel up to 6th January welcome. With plans to relax the Level 5 lockdown confirmed for next week, Labour Party Leader and Health spokesperson Alan Kelly said there must now be a clear strategy outlined…

27 November 2020

Full eviction ban must be extended as homelessness figures continue to rise

Rise of 81 with total of 8,739 people homeless, 2,642 children without a home in 1,117 families. Evictions are the primary cause of homelessness. Action also needed to address recent rise in deaths. With the homeless figures for October recording an increase of 81 people including 59 children, Labour Housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has called…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
27 November 2020

What is undermining the credibility of government is the maintenance of the unbelievable

Statement by Brendan Howlin on Judicial Appointments Process in advance of Questions to the Minister for Justice. Thank you Ceann Comhairle and can I say that I very warmly welcome todays exercise in proper political accountability. I think it is one of the core functions of this house to hold the executive to account in…

Labour Admin

26 November 2020

Department need to deal with the issue of over-assessment of 6th year students

Absolute commitment needed from Minister on Leaving Cert 2021 Labour Education Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has said that the Department of Education need to deal with the issue of over-assessment of 6th year students and to make an absolute commitment that Leaving Cert 2021 will take place. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The Leaving Certificate class…

26 November 2020

Hike in Retail Export Scheme threshold in Brexit bill damaging for tourist-retail sector

Over 1,000 jobs at risk with rise in RES threshold from 0 to €75. Government sneak in damaging change through amendment to Brexit bill. Labour’s Finance spokesperson Ged Nash TD has said that over 1,000 jobs in the tourism retail trade could be lost arising from a government amendment to the Brexit Omnibus Bill that…

25 November 2020

Funding of Local Government needs to be urgently reassessed

Labour calls for reinstatement of €3million for a Local Area Discretionary Fund for allocation to local need and community initiatives. Ahead of tonight’s Dublin City Council Budget 2021 meeting, the Labour Group on Dublin City Council is calling for the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage to urgently reassess the funding of local government….

25 November 2020

Dire situation in the meat industry shows need for Government action on sick pay now

Labour spokesperson on Employment Affairs, Senator Marie Sherlock, has said that dire conditions in the meat industry show the urgent need for sick pay, and has called on the Government to take immediate action.   Senator Sherlock was speaking after a survey from the Migrant Rights Centre of Ireland found 90 per cent of companies…

25 November 2020

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