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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Government keeping new Nenagh nursing home closed

Kelly urges an end to the recruitment embargo Fianna Fáil failing on health Labour TD Alan Kelly has demanded the lifting of the HSE recruitment ban which is seeing many much needed care facilities, like Nenagh nursing home, remain closed. Deputy Kelly said: “This Government is utterly failing on health. We have a Fianna Fáil…

21 February 2024

Phibsborough Post Office should not be sold off

Labour’s Senator Marie Sherlock has said that the plans by An Post to contract out its Phibsborough post office service in Phibsborough and to sell the post office building must be stopped. “For both individual and local businesses in our community Phibsborough post office provides an important and local service. It serves a large population…

21 February 2024

Rising baby food prices requires urgent action

Government response not based in reality UK regulator launches market study, CCPC must follow Labour’s Senator Rebecca Moynihan has again raised alarm over the soaring price of baby formula, calling for immediate Government attention to address the pressing concerns of families across Ireland. Senator Moynihan said “The rapid rise in baby formula prices is not…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
20 February 2024

Labour Demands Urgent Action on Children’s Mental Health Crisis

Government graded ‘E’ for progress on children’s mental health services Labour’s Children and Youth Spokesperson Séan Sherlock TD has today condemned Government following findings of the Children’s Rights Alliance report card, which awarded the government an ‘E’ grade for progress on children’s mental health services. Deputy Sherlock said: “It is deeply troubling that children with…

Seán Sherlock TD
20 February 2024

Labour demands attention on transport workers safety

Smith writes to Oireachtas Transport Committee Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith has written to the Oireachtas Transport Committee seeking an urgent discussion of the concerning findings from a SIPTU survey of transport workers safety. Deputy Smith said: “Our city and country simply would not move without these workers, so it is deeply concerning to learn…

20 February 2024

Votes for Fine Gael are votes for Von Der Leyen

Labour’s Dublin candidate for the European elections Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD has expressed his concern at Ursula von Der Leyen’s decision to seek a second term as president of the European Commission. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “A vote for Fine Gael in the forthcoming European elections is a vote for Ursula Von Der Leyen. The…

19 February 2024

Metrolink vital for future of Dublin

Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith TD Deputy Smith said “The initiation of Metrolink Oral Hearings with An Bord Pleanala marks a pivotal moment for Dublin, but it comes after far too long a wait. The Government’s procrastination has only exacerbated the challenges faced by our city and its residents. We cannot afford to delay any…

19 February 2024

Vote Yes to ensure our Constitution reflects the Ireland of today and to fight for a fairer future

Labour’s Director of Elections for the Family and Care Referendum, Senator Marie Sherlock, is calling for a yes yes vote to bring Ireland’s Constitution up to date with the reality of family life in Ireland and to fight for a fairer future for all those who are excluded from support by the State. Senator Sherlock…

19 February 2024

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