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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Labour to oppose Financial resolution No. 3

The Labour Party will oppose Financial Resolution No. 3 due to the failure of the Government to increase the levy on profitable banks. A Labour spokesperson said: “If the Government had increased the Banking Levy from €150m to €400m, as proposed by the Labour Party, the additional revenue raised would have paid for an increase…

Labour Trade Unionists
08 October 2019

Brexit Budget fails to protect those on low and fixed incomes

There will be a great deal of sadness, frustration and disappointment in hundreds of thousands of Irish homes tonight as older people in retirement and on pensions from the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection, carers and people with disabilities who rely on social protection incomes look down the list and see that there…

Labour Admin

08 October 2019

Budget 2020 will not solve the day to day crises in Health

Labour Party Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD has said that the Health budget will do little to solve to main crises in our health services. Deputy Kelly said: “Today’s budget will do absolutely nothing to solve the main concerns of patients and front line staff in our health service. “This Fine Gael Government has gone…

08 October 2019

Investment abandoned in Education for token measures

Responding to the lack of policy announcements about Education in Budget 2020, Labour Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin said: “I’m really disappointed to see that there has been no reduction in record class sizes in Budget 2020 for most schools, with some movement on the ratio for small schools, aimed at shoring up Fine…

08 October 2019

Renters no better off in Budget 2020

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Deputy Jan O’Sullivan, has said the Government has failed to deliver a housing budget that will radically address the ongoing crisis. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “The housing and homelessness crisis is one of the biggest issues this country has ever faced. “We needed to see radical proposals in this Budget to tackle…

Labour Admin

08 October 2019

Budget fails Social Welfare Recipients and those on Low Incomes

Labour spokesperson on Employment Affairs and Social Protection Senator Ged Nash has blasted the Government and Fianna Fáil for failing in Budget 2020 to support those on low and fixed incomes. No increase to weekly social welfare rates No mention of the Minimum Wage in Minister speech Senator Nash said: “There has been no increase…

08 October 2019

Labour not supporting O’Devaney proposal

Labour Party Dublin City Councillor and chair of Dublin City Council Housing SPC, Alison Gilliland has said that Labour will not support the O’Devaney Gardens proposal at this evening’s DCC meeting. Cllr Gilliland outlined: “Having given careful consideration to the report and associated documentation the Labour Group on Dublin City Council will not be supporting…

07 October 2019

FG threat to delay minimum wage hike a kick in the teeth for low paid workers

Responding to reports that the planned National Minimum Wage increase to €10.10 is to be deferred to March, Labour Party Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Ged Nash, has accused Fine Gael of giving those on low incomes a gratuitous kick in the teeth ahead of Tuesday’s Budget. Senator Nash said:  “Fine Gael are hiding behind…

07 October 2019

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