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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Stardust families deserve a swift & thorough inquest

Labour Party representative for Dublin Bay North, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has welcomed the Government’s decision to hold fresh inquests for the 48 victims of the 1981 Stardust fire tragedy. Senator Ó Ríordáin commented: “Stardust was an event that scarred the Northside for a generation. “Hopefully this is the beginning of a process that can get…

25 September 2019

Dublin’s cultural spaces should not be sacrificed for more hotels

Labour Party spokesperson on Community Arts, Rebecca Moynihan, has said that cultural spaces in Dublin should not be sacrificed for more hotels. Councillor Moynihan said: “There has been way too many high profile closures of artistic and cultural spaces in our capital city so that their sites can now make way for hotels. “Dublin is…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
25 September 2019

Govt failing to act on air pollution

Labour TD for Dublin West, Joan Burton, has accused the Government of being all talk and no action when it comes to tackling air pollution. The comments come as the latest report from the EPA said parts of Dublin city centre were likely to breach EU and WHO air quality guidelines this year. Deputy Burton,…

Labour Admin

25 September 2019

Game changer for a People’s Vote on Brexit

Speaking at the UK Labour Conference in Brighton, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD welcomed the change in British Labour policy that may prevent the UK exit from the EU.  Deputy Howlin said: “The decision by the British Labour Party marks an important milestone on the road to potentially stopping Brexit.  “While I…

Labour Admin

24 September 2019

Minister must legislate for Exclusion Zones at hospitals and clinics

Labour Party Senator Ivana Bacik has called for Exclusion Zones around hospitals and clinics to be prioritised in the upcoming Dáil term. The comments come ahead of six weeks of planned protests by an anti-choice group outside the National Maternity Hospital due to begin tomorrow. Senator Bacik said: “I am very concerned at the reports…

Ivana Bacik TD
24 September 2019

4 day week campaign gains momentum

Commenting from the UK Labour Party Conference, Labour Party Employment Affairs spokesperson, Ged Nash, has welcomed the British Labour Party’s proposals on a four day working week. Senator Nash said: “This week our colleagues in the British Labour Party through the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, John McDonnell, have committed to the reduction of the…

24 September 2019

Broadband network must be publicly owned

Labour Communications spokesperson Seán Sherlock has today published a bill that would ensure the national broadband network that the state will fund with €2.9 billion of public funds would remain owned by the people. The law if enacted would give statutory effect to the recommendation of the Joint Oireachtas Committee. Deputy Sherlock said: “Today I…

Seán Sherlock TD
24 September 2019

Irish Labour want to see the UK remain in and fully engaged in the EU

Prepared remarks by Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD for the annual Ulster Fry breakfast at UK Labour Party Conference. Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. I always enjoy attending the UK Labour Conference, and it is great to catch up with friends and comrades. The bonds of friendship and solidarity…

Labour Admin

24 September 2019

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