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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Planned hospital for Swords will not help waiting lists

Duncan Smith, Labour Councillor for Swords, has stated that the new proposed day hospital planned for Swords will be a private hospital and will not assist in tackling the long waiting lists for much needed operations. Councillor Smith said: “This announcement is being flagged by local Government representatives as a great new service which will…

23 July 2019

Bord na Móna must treat staff with respect

Labour TD for Longford-Westmeath, Willie Penrose has called on Bord Na Móna and the Government to ensure workers affected by plant closures are treated with respect and for it to engage with unions, and change its approach to the recent layoffs, and he said that the Midlands must not be abandoned following the latest An…

Labour Admin

23 July 2019

Free travel for homeless families should be extended nationwide

Labour Party Housing spokesperson and TD for Limerick City, Jan O’Sullivan TD has called on Minister Eoghan Murphy to extend free travel to homeless families outside of Dublin. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “While it is welcome that free travel has been extended to homeless families in Dublin for the month of August, this same opportunity should…

Labour Admin

23 July 2019

100 days to hold firm on the border backstop

Reacting to the announcement that Boris Johnson MP has been elected as leader of the Conservative party and presumptive UK Prime Minister, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, called on the Taoiseach to hold firm in the face of pressure to diminish the legal protections for Ireland’s open border with Northern Ireland….

Labour Admin

23 July 2019

Minister must confirm he will appeal citizenship judgement

Labour Justice spokesperson Seán Sherlock has called on the Minister for Justice to confirm without delay that he will appeal the High Court ruling on citizenship, and provide clarification on the impact it will have on future applications, and what impact if any it will have for the thousands of people who have been naturalised…

Seán Sherlock TD
18 July 2019

FF position on student loans problematic

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has criticised the Fianna Fáil Leader’s position on student loans. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “After over three years of humming and hawing, the leader of Fianna Fáil has said his Party would consider implementing student loans if in Government. “This shows appallingly poor judgement by Deputy Martin. Student…

18 July 2019

Recess announcement of regional health reforms raises multiple questions

Responding to the announcement of new HSE regional structures, Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly asked why was this announcement delayed until the Dáil was in recess, expressed surprise at the Minister promoting these Slaintecare reforms as his idea, and questioned why it has taken so long to get to this point. Deputy Kelly said: “The…

17 July 2019

Urgent appeal needed on Citizenship ruling

Labour Justice spokesperson Seán Sherlock has called on the Minister to swiftly address the impact of a High Court ruling today on citizenship by appealing it, and providing clarification on the impact on future applications, and certainty for the thousands of people who have been naturalised under the law in recent years. The phrase ‘continuous…

Seán Sherlock TD
17 July 2019

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