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DCC development of Iveagh Markets would be a game changer for Dublin 8

Ahead of tonight’s meeting of Dublin City Council, the Labour Party’s Rebecca Moynihan has called on Dublin City Council to begin the process of taking back control of the Iveagh Markets. Councillor Moynihan said: “It is nearly two years on since Dublin City Council backed my call to take back control of the iconic Iveagh…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
01 July 2019

Mercosur deal not in the interest of Irish farmers

Labour Party Agriculture spokesperson, Willie Penrose TD, has called for the Mercosur deal to be rejected by Ireland. Deputy Penrose said: “This is a bad deal for Irish farmers. It will be bad for the economy and bad for the environment. Minister Creed and the Taoiseach should not support its ratification. “Currently, nine out of…

Labour Admin

01 July 2019

Action overdue on outpatient waiting lists

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has expressed his concern at the high levels of women waiting for gynaecological appointments in Ireland. Deputy Kelly said: “Through the launch of the Irish Hospital Consultants Association Care Can’t Wait campaign, the true levels of the numbers waiting on specialist appointments are being released. The numbers of…

01 July 2019

EPP Commission candidates don’t have Ireland’s best Brexit interests at heart

Speaking in response to news reports of the Taoiseach’s opposition to Frans Timmermans for European Commission President, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, criticised Leo Varadkar for supporting right-wing nationalists over an experienced politician who understands and supports Ireland’s concerns in relation to Brexit. Deputy Howlin said: “It was disappointing and disturbing…

Labour Admin

01 July 2019

Minister must release funding and autonomy to DCC to implement Vienna Housing Model

Labour Party Dublin City Councillor for Artane – Whitehall, Alison Gilliland, has called on the Minister for Housing to release funding to implement the Vienna model of housing in Dublin City. Councillor Gilliland said: “An exhibition of the Vienna Model of Public Housing was opened in Dublin City Council Offices in Wood Quay this morning….

01 July 2019

FG must change tact on reducing homelessness

Responding the May homeless figures, Labour Housing Spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has called on Fine Gael to change tact on reducing homelessness. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “It is completely unacceptable that housing figures have now reached 10,253 people including 3,749 children. As primary schools across the country break up for the summer today, thousands of children…

Labour Admin

28 June 2019

Pride is a reminder of unfinished business when it comes to equality

Speaking in advance of Dublin Pride this weekend and the series of LGBT Pride events coming up around Ireland, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, reflected on unfinished business to ensure full equality for all citizens regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Deputy Howlin said: “Labour has been to the…

Labour Admin

28 June 2019

FF betray Carers in Dáil Vote

Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly has slammed Fianna Fáil for betraying carers in a Dáil vote today on the Labour Party motion calling for increased supports for family carers. Despite pledging support for it last night, Fianna Fáíl today performed a massive u-turn by supporting the Government amendment, and then voting down the amended motion…

27 June 2019

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