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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

FG must stop blocking Credit Unions investing in social housing

Speaking in the Dáil today Labour’s Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD raised the establishment of a Special Purpose Vehicle for Credit Unions to invest in social housing. Deputy O’Sullivan was critical of this government’s 3-year delay on this issue. Deputy O’Sullivan said; “Since the summer of 2016, there has been a commitment from Government, with full…

Labour Admin

11 July 2019

Government must increase pay for Defence Forces

Labour Spokesperson for Defence, Brendan Ryan TD, has described the level of staff turnover in the Defence Forces as ‘unsustainable’ and has criticised the government for not facing up the primary cause of the staffing crisis; core rates of pay. These criticisms were made during the Dáil debate on the Public Service Pay Commission review…

Labour Admin

11 July 2019

Bord Na Móna workers must not be abandoned

Labour TD for Longford Westmeath Willie Penrose has called on Government Ministers to direct resources to assist the 78 seasonal Bord Na Móna workers laid off this morning in Longford, and ensure that a just transition is put in place for any future job losses. Deputy Penrose said “News of 78 job losses of seasonal…

Labour Admin

11 July 2019

Government struggles to meet their own minimum wage target

Senator Ged Nash, who set up the statutory Low Pay Commission (LPC) said the government is struggling to meet its own Programme for Government target of a national minimum wage of €10.50 by the time it leaves office. Responding to reports that the minimum wage will rise to €10.10 an hour next year, Senator Nash…

11 July 2019

Gov must provide for Brexit impact on jobs in Budget 2020

Reacting to the Government’s Brexit contingency plan update, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, called on the Government to prepare major Budget measures to counteract the likely impact of Brexit on jobs. Deputy Howlin said: “This Fine Gael government seems to have forgotten a number of key lessons from the 2008 economic…

Labour Admin

10 July 2019

Time for HSE to be upfront about recruitment freeze

Labour Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called on the HSE to end their recruitment unofficial recruitment embargo. Deputy Kelly said: “Months after I revealed that there is a recruitment embargo in the HSE, it is clear that the HSE are still leading people up the garden path when it comes to filling jobs. “We…

10 July 2019

Harris must legislate for exclusion zones

Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has reiterated her call for action by the Minister for Health to tackle the issue of Exclusion Zones to protect women who seek access to abortion services. Senator Bacik said; “Since the passing of the Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2018 many of us in opposition have been asking…

Ivana Bacik TD
09 July 2019

Air quality a serious health risk for Dubliners

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has described as the level of air pollution in Dublin as public health issue. He has pointed to the lack of public transport as a primary cause of this issue and has called on Minster Ross to take action. Senator Humphreys said: “Revelations from the EPA that Dublin air quality has…

Labour Admin

09 July 2019

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