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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Diane Abbott to address Labour Youth Summer School

The 25th Annual Tom Johnson Summer School, organised by Labour Youth, will be held this coming weekend in NUI Galway. The Summer School will open on Friday evening 12th July and run until Sunday 14th July. The theme for this year is ‘Defending Democracy’. The UK Labour Party Shadow Home Secretary, Diane Abbott will give…

Promised Defence Allowances no substitute for a decent wage

Labour spokesperson on Defence, Brendan Ryan TD, has welcomed news of the restoration of certain special allowance for Defence Force members but has called on the Minister for Finance to find a route to increase core pay. He has also called for a full-time Minister for Defence to be appointed to Cabinet. Deputy Ryan said:…

Labour Admin

04 July 2019

Time is up for meaningful debate on HSE Capital Plan

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called on the Dáil to make time next week to debate the health capital plan. This follows a promise made to Deputy Kelly at last week’s meeting of the Public Accounts Committee that the health capital plan would be published and debated in the Dáil before the…

04 July 2019

Refusal to allow Pay Commission consider Defence core pay must be explained

Speaking in the Dáil today, to question the Government on Defence Forces pay and conditions, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, demanded to know why the Government had refused to allow the Pay Commission to consider the issue of core pay, and only permitted them to look at allowances and other non-pay…

Labour Admin

04 July 2019

National Minimum Wage should be transformed into a living wage

Reacting to the Living Wage Ireland 2019 update, Labour Party spokesperson on Employment Affairs, Senator Ged Nash, has called on the Government to take calls to meaningfully increase the minimum wage in line with the cost of living seriously. Senator Nash said: “We know from national statistics that around 137,000 people – one in every…

03 July 2019

Time for stronger collective bargaining and trade union laws

The Labour Party’s spokesperson on Workers’ Rights, Senator Ged Nash has echoed the Irish Congress of Trade Union’s call for stronger collective bargaining and trade union legislation in Ireland. Senator Nash said: “The Labour Party is proud of its track record of work and delivery for low paid workers. “Improvements to sectoral collective bargaining laws…

02 July 2019

Health Spending remains on target despite Government fearmongering

Labour Finance spokesperson Joan Burton TD has questioned the recent Government fearmongering about health spending when the June Exchequer returns show the Department of Health coming in €45m below target. She again called for a Standing Commission on Taxation following the revelations that the Goodman Group paid almost no tax on €170m in profits, and…

Labour Admin

02 July 2019

Same day text alert needed Dublin Bay

Labour Senator Kevin Humphrys has requested that Irish Water establish a same day text alert system for users of Dublin Bay to alert people of swimming bans over the summer months.  Senator Humphreys said: “The worrying statement from the EPA today, coupled with recent swimming bans highlight the need for same text alerts for users…

Labour Admin

02 July 2019

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