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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Minister Murphy must not leave loan applicants in limbo

Labour TD for Fingal, Brendan Ryan, has called on the Minister for Housing to secure further funding for the Rebuilding Ireland Home Loan Scheme as soon as possible. Deputy Ryan said: “Following the Minister’s admission that the first round of funding for the Home Loan Scheme has run out, the Minister cannot allow applicants to…

Labour Admin

07 March 2019

IDA should construct Advanced Building in Mullingar now

Labour spokesperson for Rural Affairs, Willie Penrose TD, has described as ‘deeply disappointing’ the response of the IDA to his request for the construction of an advanced building in Mullingar. Advanced buildings, which are an important part of the IDA strategy for business investment in regional areas, are currently planned for many other locations including…

Labour Admin

07 March 2019

Take an Irish Stand on St Patrick’s Day

Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has today announced that the ‘Irish Stand’ will renew its anti-racism campaign on St Patrick’s Day with a vigil at the Famine Memorial in Dublin at 3pm. He will be joined by playwright Lisa Tierney-Keogh and poet Erin Fornoff as they take a stand in solidarity with immigrants everywhere. As events…

07 March 2019

Report vindicates decision to hike Minimum Wage

2016 minimum wage increase narrows wage gap between top 10% and bottom 10% of earners by 8% Welcoming the finding in today’s report from the ESRI that found that the 2016 national minimum wage increase delivered by the Labour Party significantly narrowed the hourly wage inequality gap between high and low earners, Senator Ged Nash…

07 March 2019

Dedicated capital funding needed for Domestic Violence Accommodation

Labour Equality Spokesperson and Dáil Candidate, Cllr. Deirdre Kingston (Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown) has called for Minister Murphy to make capital funding available to every local authority in the country via the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government specifically for the provision of domestic violence accommodation. Currently, there are only 21 women’s refuges in operation in…

Labour Admin

06 March 2019

Mininster Harris cannot walk back commitment on free contraception

Labour TD for Limerick and Chair of the All Party Oireachtas Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health, Jan O’Sullivan, has called on the Minister not to back peddle on previous commitments to deliver on the recommendation of the Committee on the 8th Amendment and to make contraception free. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “While I welcome the…

Labour Admin

06 March 2019

Dublin Bus must stop discriminating against UCD students

Labour Transport spokesperson Kevin Humphreys has called on Dublin Bus to reverse its decision not to pick students up at UCD at night, and to work with students, An Garda Síochána, and the University to find a solution.  Senator Humphreys said:  “It is unacceptable to tar the entire student and staff community in UCD with…

Labour Admin

06 March 2019

Labour doorstep on Domestic Violence Accommodation Provision – 12:30 pm today

Labour Party Spokesperson for Equality Cllr. Deirdre Kingston with Deputy Jan O’Sullivan will be available to speak to reporters today, Wednesday 6th March at 12:30 pm on the need for the Department of Housing to provide dedicated capital funding to Local Authorities for the provision of Domestic Violence refuge accommodation. What: Doorstep with Cllr. Deirdre…

Labour Trade Unionists
06 March 2019

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