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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Legal Certainty needed for Illegally registered adoptions

Labour TD for Dublin West Joan Burton has published a proposed new law that would provide legal certainty for those whose adoptions were illegally registered, and she was joined at the launch by some of those affected by this practise. Deputy Burton said: “In May last year we learned of 126 cases involving the illegal…

Labour Admin

23 January 2019

Residential Tenancies Bill could do so much more to keep people in their homes

Labour Party Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, speaking in the Dáil on the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill, called it a missed opportunity to make real change to the insecurity facing so many people in the private rental sector. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “It could have ended the planned sale of the property as a reason to…

Labour Admin

23 January 2019

Plan needed to make teaching more attractive to grads

Reacting to results of a survey into staff recruitment by the Teachers’ Union of Ireland Labour Party education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the government to take measures to make teaching an attractive option for graduates of key subjects. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “Results of a survey by the TUI shows that there…

23 January 2019

IDA investment in Marlinstown needed now

Labour Spokesperson for Rural Affairs, Deputy Willie Penrose, has again raised the issue of the need for greater IDA investment in Westmeath.  Deputy Penrose said: “I have once again raised the issue of IDA investment with the Minister for Business, Enterprise, and Innovation. While there have been welcome increases in the rate of employment across…

Labour Admin

23 January 2019

Pembro announcement welcome

Labour Party Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD has welcomed news that costs associated with the drug Pembro for cervical cancer patients will now be funded by the State. Deputy Kelly said: “I am delighted that Minister Harris has finally sanctioned that the State will foot the bill for cervical cancer patients who are able to…

23 January 2019

Burton to launch Bill to address illegal adoptions – Thurs 11am Buswells

Labour TD Joan Burton will today, Thursday 24th January publish a new bill that would address the problems caused by illegal adoptions where people were not provided with an adoption certificate but rather a false birth certificate without any evidence of their adoption. The launch will take place in the Boardroom in Buswells at 11am,…

Labour Trade Unionists
23 January 2019

Statement by Labour LGBT on the RTÉ PrimeTime programme airing this evening on Trans Youth.

Labour LGBT are concerned the producers of the RTÉ PrimeTime programme airing this evening have decided to go ahead with a programme on Trans Youth, despite the clear calls not to do so by those who are directly concerned with the welfare of young Trans people and their families in Ireland. Labour LGBT believes the…

22 January 2019

Irish filmmaking is one of our greatest exports – Burton

Labour Spokeswomen on Arts and Heritage, Joan Burton TD, has extended congratulations to Element Pictures, Louise Bagnall and Robbie Ryan for their Oscar nominations announced today. Deputy Burton also emphasised that these nominations should serve to highlight the value of investing the arts in Ireland. Deputy Burton said; “Another year of nominations for Irish film…

Labour Admin

22 January 2019

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