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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Pride is a reminder of unfinished business when it comes to equality

Speaking in advance of Dublin Pride this weekend and the series of LGBT Pride events coming up around Ireland, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, reflected on unfinished business to ensure full equality for all citizens regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Deputy Howlin said: “Labour has been to the…

Labour Admin

28 June 2019

FF betray Carers in Dáil Vote

Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly has slammed Fianna Fáil for betraying carers in a Dáil vote today on the Labour Party motion calling for increased supports for family carers. Despite pledging support for it last night, Fianna Fáíl today performed a massive u-turn by supporting the Government amendment, and then voting down the amended motion…

27 June 2019

Carers contributions must be recognised by government

Labour TD for Fingal, Brendan Ryan, spoke in favour of his party’s motion in support of carers in Dáil Éireann this week. The Labour Party motion called for measures such as the phasing out of means testing on carers allowance and increased supports for carers who face isolation and poor health themselves.   Deputy Ryan said;…

Labour Admin

27 June 2019

Minister must respond to findings on incoming Central Bank Governor

Labour Finance Spokesperson Joan Burton TD has called for the Minster for Finance to make a statement to the Dáil regarding the findings in New Zealand against the incoming Central bank Governor, Mr Gabriel Makhlouf, and reassure members of the Oireachtas that the position of Governor will not be damaged by the controversy. Deputy Burton…

Labour Admin

27 June 2019

Murphy still dragging his feet on short term lets

Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys has criticised the Minister for Housing, and his Department, accusing them of dragging their feet on implementing new regulations around short term lets. Senator Humphreys said: “The new regulations on short term lets are due to take effect on the 1st of July. Yet the Department of Housing has only just…

Labour Admin

27 June 2019

Engineers Ireland report shows retrofitting of homes can’t be delayed

Commenting on the Engineers Ireland ‘State of Ireland 2019’ report, Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has called for a cross-departmental plan to urgently respond to the concerns raised in the report. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “The report published today from Engineers Ireland says that 600,000 people in this country are living in poor housing conditions…

Labour Admin

26 June 2019

Strategic Agenda of the European Council fails to address inequality

Remarks in the Dáil on post-EU Council meeting statements by Brendan Howlin TD, Leader of the Labour Party. I want to focus my remarks on the publication by the European Council of its New Strategic Agenda for the period 2019 to 2024. It is worth recalling the composition of the European Council. Of the 28…

Labour Admin

26 June 2019

Invite: Briefing on school places for children with Autism 3pm Buswells

Labour Education spokesperson, Sen. Aodhán Ó Ríordáin will host a briefing on the issue of school places for children with autism today, Wednesday 26th June at 3pm in the Boardroom of Buswell’s Hotel. Media are invited to attend. Speakers will include: Mark O’Connor – Community Engagement Manager at Inclusion Ireland Gáibhin McGranaghan – Policy Officer…

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