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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

As Irish nurses go back abroad, pay inequality must end

As many Irish nurses who returned home for the Christmas season return to England, Dubai and Australia, Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly said pay equality must be high on the Government’s agenda in 2019. Deputy Kelly said: “Over the last few weeks, I met many young nurses and their parents who were home for…

02 January 2019

Ross must reconsider his abandonment of cyclist safety

Labour Cork City representative Peter Horgan has slammed the decision by Shane Ross to abandon plans to protect cyclists in law with the minimum passing distance legislation that he had promised. Mr Horgan said:“It is a failure and a cop out by Minister Ross. He is failing to deliver on the commitments he has made,…

02 January 2019

2019 must be the year of the living wage

Labour Spokesperson on Employment Affairs, Senator Ged Nash, has called on the government to make 2019 the year of the Living Wage. The rapid increase in the cost of living over the last four years warrants an appropriate response from Government. Senator Nash said: “Thanks to the work of the Low Pay Commission which I…

01 January 2019

Labour Party Chair calls for flexibility on retirement and re-introduction of State Pension (Transition) at 65

The Chairperson of the Labour Party, Jack O’Connor, is calling on the Government to  re-introduce the State Pension, (Transition), for workers who have to leave their employment because they have a contract requiring them to retire at 65, as well as for those who no longer feel they are able to continue working after their…

Labour Admin

31 December 2018

Legacy of Hume must be respected and preserved

Labour will support those who continue to fly the flag of Labour politics and social democracy in Northern Ireland. Reacting to the latest indication of a possible alliance between parts of the SDLP and Fianna Fáil, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin said: “It is a matter for the membership of the SDLP to chart their…

Labour Admin

31 December 2018

Government must secure more ferry links for Hard Brexit Scenario

Reacting to the news that the UK will commit over £100m chartering ferries in preparation for a no deal Brexit, Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD has called on the Irish Government to immediately move to bolster and diversify our sea transport links to the EU, which are already being reduced next year. Deputy Howlin…

Labour Admin

29 December 2018

Merry Christmas from Labour Press

The Labour Press Office wish you all a Merry Christmas and look forward to a prosperous and happy New Year. The Office will be closed from today Friday 21st December, reopening on Thursday 3rd January. During the Christmas period press queries can be directed to Cathal McCann on 0874157832 or [email protected] Ho Ho Ho, From…

Labour Trade Unionists
21 December 2018

Gov approach to Brexit needs to be less wait-and-see and more strategic

Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin TD, has reacted to the Government’s contingency plan for the UK leaving the EU on 29th March with no agreement. Deputy Howlin said: “The Government has at last published its Brexit contingency plan, 100 days before the UK could well leave the EU with no deal. “While it is clear…

Labour Admin

20 December 2018

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