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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Welcome the review of sex offence trials

Labour Senator Ivana Bacik has welcomed the publication of the Gillen Review into the trial of serious sexual offences in Northern Ireland. Speaking today Senator Bacik said:  “It is very positive to see a series of considered recommendations emerging from the Gillen Review as to reforms to the trial process for serious sexual offences in Northern Ireland,…

Ivana Bacik TD
21 November 2018

Labour to hold doorstep on Citizenship Bill today @ 11.30

Labour Party Seanad Leader, Ivana Bacik, will be available to speak to reporters ahead of the debate of Labour’s Irish Nationality and Citizenship Bill 2018, on Tuesday at 11.30 on the Leinster House plinth. This Bill seeks to provide for citizenship of children born here in Ireland to non-nationals. This follows the high profile case…

Ivana Bacik TD
19 November 2018

Lack for decency for renters

Labour spokesperson on Housing Jan O’Sullivan TD has expressed horror at landlords expecting tenants to share a bed with a stranger. Commenting today Deputy O’Sullivan said; “Stories in the news today of renters being charged €550 to share a bed with a stranger are horrifying. This signifies a new low in the treatment of tenants in…

Labour Admin

19 November 2018

We must do more to tackle stigma around men’s mental heath

Speaking on International Men’s Day, Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has said we must do more to tackle the stigma around men’s mental health. Deputy Kelly said: “Rates of young men dying by suicide are still too high and rates of self-harm amongst young men are still incredibly worrying. Urgent action is needed…

19 November 2018

Government should implement report recommendations on childhood obesity

Labour spokesperson on Children, Sean Sherlock TD, has called on the government to implement the recommendations of the Oireachtas Committee on Children report into Childhood obesity.  Speaking today Deputy Sherlock said; “We all know that when it comes to obesity, prevention is better than cure. What is so worrying about the growth in childhood obesity…

Seán Sherlock TD
15 November 2018

Wexford home help waiting lists totally unacceptable

Labour Party Leader, and TD for Wexford Brendan Howlin has called on the Department of Health and HSE to ensure sufficient resources are put in place to clear the waiting lists for home help supports. It comes as Wexford was revealed to have the third highest waiting list for home support services. Deputy Howlin said:…

Labour Admin

14 November 2018

Zappone must act on findings of HIQA reports on special care units for children.

Labour Spokesperson on Children, Sean Sherlock TD, has called on Minister Katherine Zappone to outline what actions will be taken to address the issues raised in reports by HIQA into special care units. Commenting today Deputy Sherlock said: “Today there were five reports published by HIQA following the inspection of Tusla managed special care units….

Seán Sherlock TD
14 November 2018

Labour Youth marks Gender Pay Gap Day

Today, Labour Youth marks Ireland’s Gender Pay Gap day – the day after which women effectively stop earning due to Ireland’s 13.9% gender pay gap.   Speaking on the significance of this day, Labour Youth’s Women and Trans* Officer, Hazel Gavigan said “In comparison to other European countries, the Irish workforce has a relatively low rate…

Labour Youth
13 November 2018

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