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Gender Pay Gap means women working for free until Jan 2019

The Labour Party Seanad Leader Ivana Bacik, has called on the Government to use Labour Party legislation which has already passed all stages in the Seanad to introduce Gender Pay Gap reporting mechanisms. Senator Bacik said: “At around 14%, the pay gap also means that Irish women work for free for around one month of…

Ivana Bacik TD
13 November 2018

Rent Pressure Zones are clearly not working

Labour spokesperson on Housing Jan O’Sullivan TD, has called for nationwide control on rents which are linked to the cost of living.  Speaking today Deputy O’Sullivan; “Two years on from the legislation that introduced Rent Pressure Zones it is clear that they are not working. “Areas covered by the Zones are seeing rent increases well…

Labour Admin

12 November 2018

NTA making city center travel more inaccessible.

Labour Spokesperson on Transport, Senator Kevin Humphreys has accused the NTA of making public transport more expensive at a time when we need to encourage public transport use. Speaking today Senator Humphreys said; “At a time where we are trying to encourage more users on our buses and on the Luas, the fact that ticket…

Labour Admin

09 November 2018

Bacik calls on Tanaiste to raise issue of Journalists’ Arrest

Labour Senator Ivana Bacik today called on the Tanaiste Simon Coventry to raise with the British government the case of the arrest in Belfast in August of two journalists and members of the NUJ, Barry McCaffrey and Trevor Birney, and the circumstances surrounding that arrest. Speaking about the case, Senator Bacik said: “I understand that the two journalists were released on…

Ivana Bacik TD
09 November 2018

Newbridge must be included in short hop zone

Speaking following the receipt of an answer from the NTA in relation to train fares from Newbridge station, Labour general election candidate, Cllr Mark Wall has once again called for Newbridge to be included in the short hop zone. In her reply to Cllr Wall, the chief executive of the NTA confirms a welcome reduction…

Senator Mark Wall
08 November 2018

HSE decision on Our Lady of Lourdes X-Ray room must be reversed

Senator Ged Nash has told the Minister for Health that the HSE’s decision to ditch longstanding plans to include an additional x-ray room in the newly expanded Emergency Department at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital will lead to more patients on trolleys at the busy A&E in Drogheda.  Speaking in the Seanad today, the Labour…

08 November 2018

Statement by Brendan Howlin on selection of Timmermans as PES Common Candidate for Commission President

Speaking in relation to the selection by the Party of European Socialists (PES) of Frans Timmermans as a Common Candidate to seek to succeed Jean-Claude Junker as President of the European Commission, the Leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin, spoke about the importance of voting in the European Parliament elections.  Deputy Howlin said: “The…

Labour Admin

08 November 2018

Overcrowding of Irish Rail commuter routes needs to be sorted

Brendan Ryan, Labour Party TD for Dublin Fingal, has called on Minister Ross to review a plan that will alleviate the overcrowding of main commuter routes on the Irish Rail. Proposing this in the Dáil, Ryan asked the Minister to approve the requests from Irish Rail for additional carriage stock such that capacity can not…

Labour Admin

08 November 2018

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