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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Children should not be deported

Labour Seanad Leader Ivana Bacik has called on the Minister for Justice to stop the deportation of children who are born in Ireland, and those who have spent most of their lives here. This follows the threat to deport a 9 year old boy in Bray who was born here. Senator Bacik raised it in…

Ivana Bacik TD
18 October 2018

Policing Authority must be retained

Speaking in the Dáil on Statements on the Disclosures Tribunal, Labour Justice spokesperson Séan Sherlock made three key points: Ministers must account fully and accurately to the Dáil. That the Tribunal accepted the sworn evidence of all TDs. That the Policing Authority must be retained for openness and accountability. Deputy Sherlock went on to say:…

Seán Sherlock TD
17 October 2018

Dublin City Council must re-engage with all the key stakeholders and keep the College Green Plaza plans on their agenda

Senator Kevin Humphrey’s has called on Dublin City Council to re-engage with all the key stakeholders and keep the College Green Plaza plans on their agenda. This follows the news that An Bord Pleanála has rejected the plans submitted by Dublin City Council. Commenting today Senator Humphreys said: “This is a very disappointing result for…

Labour Admin

17 October 2018

Support still needed for Cervical Check cases that end up in court

Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD, has called on the State to provide support for women affected by the Cervical Check regardless if they go to court. Speaking today Deputy Kelly said: ” I welcome the report of Mr. Justice Charles Meenan on an alternative system for dealing with claims arising out of Cervical Check….

16 October 2018

Speech by Brendan Howlin TD on pre European Council Meeting 17-18 October

Ireland has three demands in relation to Brexit:· Certainty that we will retain an open border with Northern Ireland,· Guarantees for the rights of all Irish citizens in the UK,· And a close East-West trading relationship between Ireland and Britain.The first two issues form part of the Withdrawal Agreement currently under negotiation. The main focus…

Labour Admin

16 October 2018

Scope is there to extend HPV vaccine beyond age 13

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has welcomed the latest developments in the United States of America on extending the HPV vaccine to men and women up to the age of 45 and has called on the HPRA and the Minister for Health to consider a similar programme here.  Deputy Kelly said: “Last week,…

16 October 2018

Labour Youth calls for Yes vote on Blasphemy

Labour Youth has today called for people young and old to ensure that they vote yes to remove Ireland’s blasphemy law on October 26th. Labour Youth’s Chairperson, Chloe Manahan said: “Among all the excitement in the run-up to the Presidential Election, the referendum being held on the same day has not received the attention that…

Labour Youth
16 October 2018

Labour will legislate to ban house viewing fees

Labour Party Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said she is bringing forward legislation to ban the practice of landlords and letting agents charging potential tenants fees for viewing their property. Deputy O’Sullivan said:  “I was shocked to read over the weekend that some landlords and letting agencies are beginning to charge fees of up…

Labour Admin

16 October 2018

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