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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

We need Menstrual and Menopause Supports in All Workplaces

We need to Stop the Stigma  Labour’s Workers’ Rights spokesperson, Senator Marie Sherlock, has today joined the Trade Union call for menstrual and menopause support in all workplaces, called ‘stop the stigma’.  The aim of the campaign is to reduce workplace stress and inequality associated with menstruation and menopause.  Senator Sherlock said:   “It is time…

26 October 2023

Ireland lags behind US on miscarriage leave

Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock is urging Government to pass Labour’s Bill to provide early miscarriage and fertility leave to women in the workplace. Senator Sherlock said: “California has followed the footsteps of New Zealand and is legislating for paid time off for workers who need reproductive health care. “In March 2021, Labour published…

26 October 2023

Ireland is Failing on Clean Water

We need fast-tracked investment in wastewater treatment plants Labour Climate Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has today slammed Government inaction in investment of wastewater treatment plants. This comes following an EPA report found that the equivalent of three Olympic-size swimming pools of untreated raw sewage are flowing into Ireland’s water systems every day. Senator Moynihan said….

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
26 October 2023

HAP scheme on the verge of collapse

Labour Leader Ivana Bacik has demanded an urgent response from Government following the publication of the Simon Community Report today. The “Locked out of the Market” report found just 27 properties were available to rent within the standard housing assistance payment (HAP) scheme limits in 16 highly populated areas in Ireland. Deputy Bacik said: “This…

Ivana Bacik TD
25 October 2023

Taoiseach confirms Gov housing targets are too low

Current housing targets now clearly are grossly inadequate We need to see provision for 1 million homes in 10 years Labour Leader Ivana Bacik TD has today called for more ambition from Government to build more houses and address the housing crisis. Deputy Bacik said. “We are in a housing crisis which has been exacerbated…

Ivana Bacik TD
25 October 2023

Solidarity with Tusla Workers engaged in Industrial Action

Labour’s Workers’ Rights spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has today expressed her support for the clerical administration workers in Tusla who have commenced industrial action today.   Senator Sherlock said: “I stand in solidarity with the clerical administration workers in Tusla who have commenced industrial action today. Tusla’s withdrawal from the Job Evaluation scheme is a…

25 October 2023

Citizens’ Assembly conclusion an opportunity to change people’s lives

Government must swiftly act on Assembly recommendations Labour spokesperson on Justice, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD, has today called on Government to advocate for the Citizens’ Assembly Report to go to Oireachtas Justice Committee in the life time of this Dáil. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “The Citizens’ Assembly has voted to adopt a health-led approach. This…

24 October 2023

Lame Duck Agency shows a Government out of its depth on housing

Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik said Government are asleep at the wheel on housing. Speaking during Leaders’ Questions, Deputy Bacik said Government are not across the financial or legislative detail when it comes to housing. Deputy Bacik said: “It’s not just in health that we find gaping holes in this Government’s Budget. We…

Ivana Bacik TD
24 October 2023

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