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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Budget must address issues teachers face in classroom

On World Teacher’s Day, Labour Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said more must be done to address issues that teachers face in the classroom such as class size, in Tuesday’s budget.  Senator Ó Ríordáin said:  “I want to wish all Irish teachers a happy World Teachers’ Day. Teachers right across Ireland do wonderful work…

05 October 2018

Howlin demands Rosslare Port be upgraded to Tier 1 in next week’s Budget

In Labour’s Alternative Budget 2019, Labour Party Leader and TD for Wexford, Brendan Howlin, has demanded that the money be made available to upgrade Rosslare to a Tier One Port at a cost of €92 million. Deputy Howlin said: “The likelihood of a hard Brexit increases with every week, and the UK has not shown…

Labour Admin

05 October 2018

An Taoiseach has questions to answer on services for retired members of the armed services

Labour Spokesperson for Defence Brendan Ryan has described reports relating to former Private Terry O’Reilly as ‘deeply troubling’. Speaking today Deputy Ryan said: “This situation is deeply troubling. We all know that the housing crisis has extended beyond where anyone would hope the government would have allowed. But to think that someone who served her…

Labour Admin

05 October 2018

Everyone deserves affordable, quality childcare

Labour Spokesperson on Children Seán Sherlock, TD outlines Labour’s ambitious plan for affordable childcare for all, as part of Labour’s alternative budget for 2019. Measures include halving the cost of childcare, guaranteeing living wages for childcare workers and increasing paternity leave. Speaking about the plan today; “Our State has never invested enough in supporting families…

Seán Sherlock TD
05 October 2018

The choice in Budget 2019 is a social recovery or tax cuts

Speaking today at the launch of Labour’s alternative proposals for Budget 2019, Building A New Republic, Party Leader Brendan Howlin spoke about the need for a full social recovery to follow the economic recovery. Deputy Howlin said: “Labour’s message is simple: we cannot talk about Ireland’s economy having fully recovered until every person and family…

Labour Admin

04 October 2018

Budget 2019 must support families and a social recovery

Labour Finance spokesperson Joan Burton TD, speaking at the launch of Labour’s alternative budget proposals for 2019 has said the Government must deliver a social recovery, and support families by investing in public services, rather than tax cuts. As part of a fully costed proposal, Labour has proposed €2.2bn in expenditure measures, alongside an additional…

Labour Admin

04 October 2018

Sherlock calls for Minister to address Dáil on Broadband

“There’s a pattern emerging with this Minister who seems to believe it’s perfectly acceptable to give private interests preferred insight in private engagements. “Minister Naughten needs to be reminded that he is a Minister for all the citizens of the state and not those he has preferred after overseeing a failed public tendering process, which…

Seán Sherlock TD
04 October 2018

The housing crisis is geting more complex, more hopeless and more devastating

Labour TD Brendan Ryan was today speaking in Dáil Éireann in support of the cross-party motion to enact emergency measures aimed at addressing homelessness. This followed the large ‘Raise the Roof’ housing demonstration outside Leinster House.  Deputy Ryan said: “Minister, The housing crisis is getting worse. It’s getting more complex, more hopeless and more devastating…

Labour Admin

03 October 2018

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