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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Taoiseach and Prime Minister should attend Intergovernmental Conference

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has welcomed the long awaited announcement of a date for a British-Irish Intergovernmental conference on 25th July but said it is necessary now for the Taoiseach and Prime Minister to both attend, and engage at summit level to achieve real and lasting progress. Deputy Howlin said: “For 18 months the…

Labour Admin

28 June 2018

We cannot underestimate the challenges that come with changing our approach to drug addiction

Speaking on the National Drugs Strategy, Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly has said that we must take a health-led approach to the drugs issue. Speaking in the Dáil, Deputy Kelly said: “We should not be debating the new drugs strategy a year after it was launched.  It is kind of crazy.  There is so…

28 June 2018

Bord Pleanála admission of error on St.Annes’s justifies judicial review

Labour Party representative for Dublin Bay North, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has welcomed the admission by An Bord Pleanála that they made an error in granting planning permission to build 536 units on St. Anne’s Park. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “The admission of An Bord Pleanála in the High Court today that they made an error…

28 June 2018

3826 children homeless – school holidays a nightmare for Hotel families

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan, speaking on Dáil statements on child homelessness reacted to the latest figures for May, saying it is a national scandal that 3,826 children are homeless, and that the school holidays present a nightmare scenario for hotel families. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “Homeless figures for May, just released, are truly shocking showing…

Labour Admin

28 June 2018

Donegal Gold Band discovery shows need for review of legislation

Commenting on the discovery of four Bronze Age gold bands in Co. Donegal, Labour spokesperson on Culture and Heritage, Joan Burton TD has called for a review of current legislation around artefact finds and handling to ensure that people are encouraged to come forward with finds, and said that regional and county museums should be…

Labour Admin

28 June 2018

Time to make primary education free

Labour Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has today published new proposals to ensure a real free primary education so that the State provides school books at no cost to parents, bans voluntary contributions, and delivers on the commitment made in our Constitution in Article 42.4. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “As primary schools across the…

28 June 2018

Hynes is the real deal for working people in Carlow – Kilkenny

Labour Party Employment Spokesperson Ged Nash has described Denis Hynes who is the new Labour Party candidate for Carlow-Kilkenny as ‘the real deal for working people’ in the constituency. Senator Nash, who chaired the selection convention tonight to select the SIPTU official as Labour’s standard bearer in the next general election said: “Denis Hynes embodies…

27 June 2018

Reminder: Labour to outline new proposals on free primary education – 11.30am plinth

Labour spokesperson on Education, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin will be available to speak to reporters at 11.30am today, Thursday 28th June on the Leinster House plinth. He will outline proposals on free schoolbooks, and proposed legislation to ban voluntary contributions towards ensuring a genuine free primary education. What: new proposals on free primary education Where: Leinster…

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