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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Fine Gael response to prison overcrowding needs to change

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhan O Riordain has called for a change of approach to the justice system. Deputy O Riordain said: “The findings of the Office of the Inspector of Prisons Annual Report for 2022 is nothing short of shameful. “Fine Gael have absolutely lost control of after 12 years in charge of the Department…

18 October 2023

Israel must be held to account for horrendous war crimes

Labour write to US Ambassador calling for immediate ceasefire Speaking during Leaders’ Questions Labour Leader Ivana Bacik urged the Government to be a strong voice to hold Israel accountable for war crimes. Deputy Bacik said: “The response of Ireland and the international community matters. As the death toll rises, and we see mounting evidence of…

Ivana Bacik TD
18 October 2023

Government need to tackle car bloat

Labour spokesperson on Climate, Senator Rebecca Moynihan, has called on the government to introduce a bloated car restriction on SUVs, following a study that found SUVs emit more damaging gas than older cars do. Senator Moynihan said: “The government must take urgent action to reduce emissions and tackle climate change. One way to do this…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
17 October 2023

Excessive Prices Bill must be prioritised to protect consumers from high grocery prices

Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil behoven to big retailers As the cost of groceries soars another 10.5% in the last three months, Labour’s enterprise spokesperson Ged Nash has demanded Government action on Labour’s Bill to tackle price gouging. Deputy Nash said: “It’s clear as day, the large retailers are making a quick buck while working…

17 October 2023

Defibrillators should to be installed in all community pitches

Labour’s Senator Mark Wall is calling for defibrillators to be installed in all community pitches in Ireland. This comes following a new report showing that almost one-third of heart attack victims who received defibrillation from members of the public last year survived. Senator Wall said: “Having a defibrillator present can be the difference between life…

Senator Mark Wall
17 October 2023

Eleventh hour talks must deliver comprehensive deal for workers in Section 39, Section 56 and Section 10

Comprehensive package must be on the table to avert strike  Cannot be a softening up exercise Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock said a comprehensive package must be on the table for care workers ahead of planned strike action tomorrow (Tuesday 17th). Senator Sherlock said: “Thousands of workers in the community and voluntary sector are…

16 October 2023

EU must seek commitment from Israel that civilian attacks in Gaza will stop

Labour Party Leader, Ivana Bacik TD has contacted President Von Der Leyen of the EU Commission to request that the EU seek a commitment from Israel that they will stop attacks upon the civilian population of Gaza and refrain from any further breaches of international humanitarian law; and that they will not commence a ground…

Ivana Bacik TD
16 October 2023

Government signals willingness to purchase Aldborough House. State and City Council must now make it happen.

Labour Senator Marie Sherlock has said that State and Dublin City Council cannot continue to leave Aldborough House in the heart of Dublin’s north inner city as a derelict building. She said that interest expressed by the Government in seeing the building brought to life must be made real. Responding to Senator Sherlock’s questions to…

16 October 2023

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