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Fianna Fáil all talk no action on Health

Despite warning in January 2017 that Fianna Fáil would not tolerate another trolley crisis this winter, Labour spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, has said they are all talk but no action on red line issues. Deputy Kelly said: “In January 2017 Fianna Fáil warned they would collapse the Government by now if there was…

13 March 2018

More Social and Affordable housing needed now

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said that today’s report from the Simon Communities, which found that just 7 per cent of the estimated 3,150 properties available to rent fall within HAP limits, again highlights the critical need to build more social and affordable homes for rent and purchase. Deputy O’Sullivan commented: “This…

Labour Admin

13 March 2018

Fine Gael again removes planning rights from local Councillors

Chair of the Labour Councillors group, Dermot Lacey of Dublin City Council has criticised the withdrawal by the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government Eoghan Murphy, of long established planning rights from Councillors at their municipal district and local area meetings. Cllr Lacey said: “This is the first day that the directive issued by…

12 March 2018

Lack of evidence base for High Public Service Pay Exemptions

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has highlighted the increasing number of exemptions to the Government’s pay guidelines for senior posts in the education, justice and health sectors that is undermining the public service pay deal, pointed out the lack of an evidence base for the decisions being made, and called for an examination of the…

Labour Admin

12 March 2018

Kelly calls for action on hospital overcrowding

Labour spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, has called for the Minister for Health to outline what action is being taken to address the overcrowding crisis in Irish hospitals. It comes as new figures from the INMO show overcrowding levels have reached a record high, with 714 people waiting on trolleys in hospitals around the…

12 March 2018

Dawn Meats dispute shows need for clear Red Alert guidelines

Workers shouldn’t have to bear the costs of closed factories and it shows the need for clear red alert guidelines for employers says Labour spokesperson on Employment Affairs, Sen. Ged Nash, following the move by Dawn Meats to dock workers two days of annual leave after the snow storm. Senator Nash said: “The decision to…

12 March 2018

Bank tax write off shows need for Commission on Taxation

Commenting on the upcoming PAC report that will address bank losses, Labour spokesperson on Finance Joan Burton has welcomed the conversion of Fianna Fáil to the cause of increased taxes on profitable banks, and called on the Government to established a Standing Commission on Taxation. Deputy Burton said: “As recently as the last budget I…

Labour Admin

11 March 2018

Labour to raise alleged Russian activities in the Dáil

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has said that he will be raising the alleged activities of Russian agents against tech companies operating in Ireland made today in the Sunday Times when the Dáil  reconvenes. Deputy Howlin said: “These are deeply disturbing reports about Russian sponsored activity in Ireland and follow the alleged murder of a…

Labour Admin

11 March 2018

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