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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Statement on the retirement of Gerry Adams

Speaking on the retirement of Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams, Leader of the Labour Party Brendan Howlin has said we must never forgot the atrocities that the Provisional IRA perpetrated and that Sinn Féin stood over, but that as a late convert to peace Adams has left a legacy that will be debated for decades….

Labour Admin

10 February 2018

O’Sullivan calls for rollout of Deposit Protection Scheme

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has criticised the continued delay in rolling out a deposit protection scheme, which is aimed at protecting tenants and landlords. It was revealed to Deputy O’Sullivan in a Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Housing that his Department is still examining the legislative provisions, more than two years…

Labour Admin

09 February 2018

Lack of new Irish Strategy on Brexit and Border worrying

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has said the Irish Government must now respond strongly to the growing unease at recent UK Brexit developments. Speaking after the comments today by Michel Barnier, and following other developments this week, Deputy Howlin said the prospect of an unavoidable border undermines the Taoiseach’s previous statement that the December agreement…

Labour Admin

09 February 2018

DART Underground should not be abandoned by FG & FF

The reports that the DART underground will be left out of the National Development Plan has been criticised by Labour Transport spokesperson Senator Kevin Humphreys who said it is an essential piece of infrastructure for the long term growth and sustainability of the Dublin region. Senator Humphreys said: “I am deeply concerned that Fine Gael…

Labour Admin

09 February 2018

New work rules for asylum seekers will undermine Supreme Court Judgement

Labour Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has welcomed the unanimous decision of the Supreme Court today that the ban on asylum seekers working is unconstitutional, however said the recent rules introduced by the Department of Justice are a disgrace and an attempt to circumvent and set aside the judgement. The complainant in this case is no…

09 February 2018

‘Ask for Angela’ scheme should be rolled out in Dublin

Labour General Election candidate in Dublin South Central, Cllr Rebecca Moynihan, has said that Dublin should follow Cork’s lead and roll out the ‘Ask for Angela’ scheme in city pubs and nightclubs. The initiative, which began in the UK in 2016, is aimed at giving people a discreet way of asking staff for help if…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
08 February 2018

Children working in the arts must be protected- Burton

Labour TD and spokesperson on the Arts, Joan Burton, has called on the Department of Justice, Minister for Arts and the Arts Council to ensure all those who work with children in the sector receive adequate Garda vetting. People working in the sector and parents of children should be fully informed and advised of child…

Labour Admin

07 February 2018

Penrose says certainty needed for those who wish to work beyond 65

Labour spokesperson on Rural and Community Affairs, Willie Penrose TD, has called for the speedy introduction of legislation to raise the mandatory retirement age of public servants to 70 years, to provide certainty to those who want to work beyond the age of 65. Deputy Penrose raised the issue with the Minister for Public Expenditure,…

Labour Admin

07 February 2018

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