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Government gives fosters carers a raise in name only

Labour Social Protection and Children Spokesperson Seán Sherlock TD has slammed the inordinate delay the government has placed on foster carers by putting a 14 month delay on any raise in their payments. Deputy Sherlock said: “The Foster Carers Association lobbied for an increased payment and now it looks like it’s going to be pushed…

Seán Sherlock TD
10 October 2023

Labour finance spokesperson reacts to Budget 2024

*** Check against delivery *** RTE does too many repeats. And so does this government. There is truth in the hackneyed description of this as a Late Late Show Budget, with one for pretty much everyone in the audience. It is worse still. It’s a Reeling in The Years budget. A lazy re-run of all…

10 October 2023

Labour calls out Government for failing to reduce class sizes in Budget 2024

Labour spokesperson on Education Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD has slammed the Government for failing to reduce class sizes in Budget 2024. Deputy Ó Ríordáin says: “It is deeply disappointing that Government has failed to reduce class sizes in Budget 2024. This is a missed opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of our…

10 October 2023

Only cosmetic housing fixes in Budget 2024

Tax breaks for landlords with crumbs for renters Half-hearted attempts to tackle vacancy Labour leader and housing spokesperson Ivana Bacik has slammed the housing measures announced in Budget 2024. Deputy Bacik said: “The paltry housing package announced by this conservative coalition is nothing short of pathetic, and the fixes proposed are only cosmetic. Fine Gael…

Ivana Bacik TD
10 October 2023

Free school books must be extended to all children in Budget 2024

Limiting free school books to those in 1st, 2nd and 3rd year is a missed opportunity Labour spokesperson on Education Aodhán Ó Riordáin TD has called on Government to extend free school books to all children, not just 1st, 2nd and 3rd years, in budget 2024. Deputy Ó Riordáin said: “No child should be left…

09 October 2023

Britain must continue to work with Europe to safeguard the Good Friday Agreement

Speaking at the British Labour Party Conference in Liverpool, Labour leader and spokesperson on Northern Ireland Ivana Bacik has urged continued protection of the Good Friday Agreement. Deputy Bacik said: “Earlier this year, we marked 25 years since the historic Good Friday Agreement was signed. We continue to celebrate the achievement of political giants like…

Ivana Bacik TD
08 October 2023

Budget must resolve Garda pay

114 Gardaí resign from the force so far this year versus 70 three years ago Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has demanded that Government focus on improving pay, terms and conditions for Gardaí in Tuesday’s Budget. As responses to Parliamentary Questions put down by the Labour Party reveal 114 Gardaí have resigned so far…

08 October 2023

Labour condemns escalating violence in Israel and Palestine – pathway to peace needed

Labour Foreign Affairs spokesperson Brendan Howlin TD said: “The attacks on Israeli civilian and military targets over the last 24 hours by Hamas is totally unacceptable and must stop. We condemn what appears to be the brutal killing, assault and kidnapping of civilians by militants, and the indiscriminate missile attacks on Gazan residential areas in…

08 October 2023

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