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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Labour is offering sensible and targeted tax reform – Howlin

I’d like to focus my remarks on the next five years. This election is about the future. We’ve worked hard over the last five years to bring this country back from the brink. Back from the cliff Fianna Fail drove it over. I confess it hasn’t always been easy. But because it has been difficult…

Labour Admin

24 February 2016

Now it’s time to make a choice for the next five years – Burton

This is the last Labour Party press conference at the end of a long and vital national debate. At the end of that debate, the choice facing the Irish people is still clear. They can vote Labour to return the current Government to continue with the job of repairing and reforming the country. Or they…

Labour Admin

24 February 2016


At its final press conference before the General Election, the Labour Party outlined its commitment to providing a fair and balanced government. Tánaiste Joan Burton, Minister for Public Expenditure Brendan Howlin, and Minister for Communications Alex White detailed Labour’s key manifesto commitments, including their pledge to: Cut USC for low and middle income people Invest…

Labour Admin

24 February 2016

Labour’s plans to tackle child poverty will make a real difference – Lyons

Deputy Lyons has strongly welcomed the publication of Labour’s plans to tackle child poverty and disadvantage. “It’s so important that we target a serious reduction in child poverty. Labour’s proposals will make a real difference. Increasing Child Benefit by €15 a month will have a real impact on those parents struggling to get by. We…

Labour Admin

23 February 2016

Only Labour can deliver a fair and compassionate system to support the elderly – McCarthy

West Cork TD, Michael McCarthy has welcomed the publication of Labour’s plan for an age-friendly society. “Labour’s plan to raise the State pension to €260 per week is a clear and direct investment in the living standards of older citizens. We want to continue to build a system where older people are supported to live…

Labour Admin

23 February 2016

Only Labour will deliver a referendum to repeal the 8th – Conway

“It’s all well and good for the far left to launch their repeal the 8th campaign, we’re glad they are supporting the issue, but only Labour can deliver on this. Labour supports the repeal of the 8th, and welcomes the growing consensus on this subject, however only Labour will realistically deliver and stand up for…

Labour Admin

23 February 2016

What has Sinn Fein got against low and middle income families?

Most low and middle income families will be hammered under Sinn Fein’s regressive tax proposals announced today. Sinn Fein has pledged to retain punitive USC rates for all earners, bar those on less than €20,000. What that means in practise is that even when you take into account their populist proposals to scrap, water charges…

Labour Admin

23 February 2016

Nash welcomes lowest unemployment figures in 7 years

Minister Nash has welcomed the latest figures from the Quarterly National Household Survey (QNHS) which shows that the unemployment rate is now at 8.9% -its lowest level in seven years. The CSO figures for the fourth quarter of 2015 show that there has been an annual increase in employment of 2.3%.  This is the 13th successive quarter…

23 February 2016

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